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MINUTES OF THE LM ELMO VILLAGE COUNCIL HAFTING July;21, 1970. <br />]Wasting Billed to; order at 7a00PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />nresen.t.Broekman,Watson,Abererembie,Shervheim,Flriedrich,Park & Mehsikamer. <br />`_..cter amending the minutes of the July 7, 1979 meeting; to show that Reb°t <br />Wier would receive reimbursement for haspitalizatian for the period of his <br />permanent employment (January 1. 1970) with the amount notte exdleed that <br />currently paid to like employees Cau4`cilman Watson moved far approval. 2nd <br />by Councilman Shervheim. Carried 5-0. <br />Mr. Jim Olson of J'uran & Moody made a presentation to the Council. an where <br />(J'aey stood relative to banded indebtednss, as it applies to parks and <br />_ecreation facilities. for and in the Village of lake Elme. <br />Special Use Permits: 3,K- Clerk advised to recommend that 3M obtain Letters <br />of consent from the adjacent property owners ( Mr. Emerson and Mr,Friedrich) <br />and that such approval would clear the way for the Council to issue the <br />Special Use Permit for a trap range on the 3M property. letters of <br />approval have now been received from all the neighbors of the Arensents <br />and clerk instructed to advise the applicants that they can submit their <br />permit fee of $20..00 and the permit will be issued.. <br />Mr, Jim Del0ng and Mr.GGerdon Grundeen appeared before the Council relative <br />to a driveway problem that affected both parties but from different points <br />of view. Mr. Grundeen had been given approval to, place his driveway 1 ft. <br />from the property line. According to Mr. :belong this was contrary to tWe <br />zoning; ordinance for the areas Bath Mr, Delong and Mr. Grundden asked the: <br />Council for a .ruling. Mayor Brookman requested that since their was still <br />adequate daylight and the Village Engineer had some time before coming up <br />�n tho agenda that he view the problem and see if he could make a r5commend— <br />( ion suitable to both parties. <br />Wausau Homers were represented by Mr,. Ressez,, Mr. Ressez had appeared before <br />the Planning Commission on June 14r 1970, Mayor Brookman read the results <br />from the minutes of that 22xiumi Commission Meeting, Wausau Homes had a <br />model home located at 510 East Counxty Read D in little Canadao Mayor <br />Brookman made the recommendation that the Building Inspector and some. <br />members, of the Village Council inspect the madel home before the next <br />Council Meeting on August 4th and come back with their recemmendati.en, <br />Mr. Richard Johnsen xfc Chairman of the Sanitation and Waste Committee was <br />on hand to distribute copies of the results of the work that was performed <br />by his committee:. The report was reviewed and because of -the time and the <br />number of items still an the agenda action was tabled until the: August 4, <br />1970 meeting. The Council commended the Committee for the fine job they <br />had done, in the preparation of this report. <br />Dean Hedberg cmae before the Council relative to a building permit on lest <br />5, Oaee Acres, Third Addition. Mr.. I3:edberg said that he realized that the <br />�aperty was low but that he intended to haul in the required fill, The <br />ratio or basement level would be at 930ft or above and that the house level <br />would be at 934ft, or above. The plan was shown to have no plumbing or <br />water system on the basemtn level. This particular piece of land requires <br />an. easement for a culvert for drainage,af The. easement to be 10ft. temp <br />®vary and 5ft. permanent. Gounsdl was advise to: draw up the easement and <br />subject to its approval Councilman Watson moved that we issue the permit. <br />uncilman Abercr0mbie made the 2nd and the Council passed by a vote of <br />0. <br />