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Meeting of the Lake :Elm.o Village Council October 209, 1970 Page 2. <br />Building Inspe&tor Ben Friedrich was advised that all plans for Indust- <br />rial permits should be referred to the Council :for approval. <br />Clerk instructed to include the Snowmobile Ordinance on the agenda fox - <br />the November 4, 19'70 meeting. <br />A sewer Installers license for Husnik Sewer Service was approved 3/0. <br />A sewer Installers license application for AAA Polution Contaol wasgiven <br />tentative approval subject to the receival of a certificate of insur— <br />ance. Approval. automatic when. certificate received. <br />Clerk instructed to write to Haines Tree Service and Zaller and get <br />bids for the removal of trees in the Village which are diseased and <br />l dead and require removal. <br />Flagpole dedication tentatively set for November 1, 1970. <br />Donald Raleigh instructed to write to Dunn & Stringer regarding the <br />Anderson 'Property at Washington County 13 & Lake Demontrevill.e Road.. <br />This property is advertised for sale but is not platted.. Action taken <br />on a motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie and <br />carried by a vote of 3/0. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Watson that the <br />Clerk be authorized to make the second pa,,Yyment of $619,948.57 for <br />part of the 1970 Road project,. Carried 3/0. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie second by Councilman Watson. that the <br />meeting be adjourned at 9;50PNI. Carried 3/0. <br />Respec5fully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />