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10-06-70 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-06-70 CCM
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Minutes of the Take Elmo Village Council October 6, 1970.. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PM by acting Mayor Watson. <br />Present: Watson, Abercrombie;Shervheim,Friedrich and Brockman (late.) <br />Also Paxk,Ral.eigh, Bonestroo and Mehsikooer/ <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd Councilman Abercrombie that the minutes of the <br />Sept. 15, 1970 meeting be approved as submitted. Carried 4/0. <br />It was reported that numberous vehicles are hauling waste to the county landfill <br />area uncovered. This is in .violation of the ordinance. The Village Attorney <br />was instructed to notify County Engineer of the situation and request corrective <br />action. Letter also to include the fact that waste paper is accumulating along the <br />fence surrounding the landfill. <br />Meeting recessed to take up matter of Oace Bearing on vacation of an easement for <br />street as published in the Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. Oace requested the vacation of <br />said easement. The Village Engineer made several comments regarding access in case <br />of emergency and in the case of expansion beyond -the present proposed Oace 5th <br />Addition. No other persons presented themselves -to be heard and the hearing was <br />closed at 8:1.2 PM. <br />Meeting reconvened at 8:12PM. Councilman Shervheim moved that Resolution R 70 <br />(copy attached) covering the vacation of ALL OF THE 33FOOT STREET LYING SOUTHERLY <br />OF ANT) ADJOINING LOT 7, TIIRvE LAKES FARM ADDITION' Be approved. Councilman <br />Abercrombie 2nd, the resolution and the Council voted 4/0 in favor of said resolution. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Oace requested a hearing onthe proposed plat for Oace's 5tb Addition. <br />Time was set for 7:15 PM on Wednesday, November 4, 1970, Village Counsel to arrange <br />for necessary publication. <br />Councilman Watson moved and Councilman Shervheim 2nd., motion that the following be <br />included in the dedication of the plat on Oace's 5th Addition. Preliminary plat <br />to Oace's 5th Addition be accepted as revised and presented at this meeting. <br />`.chat Lot 1 Block 1 is hereby determined to be of a buildable size provided that the <br />building inspector be instructed that no building permit is to be issued on said <br />lot until the request has been presented to the Council for its approval with a <br />site plan; fubther that -the easement of the additional. 2.7 feet to be dedicated <br />along the Easterly side of such plat shall be dedicated for roadway use with the <br />reservation that if vacated this strip shall revert separately to the abutting <br />property owners on the Westerly side of said easdment. Carried 5/0. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie second by Councilman Friedrich tjiat the Council <br />Meeting scheduled for November 3, 1970 be changed to November 4. 1970 inasmuch <br />as it conflicts with the General. Election. 5/0. <br />Ngtion by Councilman Abe#rcrombie 2nd by Councilman Watson that the Council accept <br />the decision of the Planning Commission regarding moving house from the Pemtom <br />property to Rose Street between 7th Street and Highway 21.2. Approval. given subject <br />to the house being remodeled with all phases including building., plumbing, electrical <br />etc., all meeting the required codes. Carried 5/0. <br />Adeline Johnson requested a permit to put in a garage on North Shore Drive. Matter <br />was referred -to the Building Inspector who was advised to inform Mrs. Johnson of <br />the requirements. <br />
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