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Page 2 Minutes of the Take Elmo Village Council October 69 19'70. <br />Elmer Richert reported that a basement home that was condemned (located on Eagle <br />Point Road) is being lived in. Village Attorney Raleigh will investigate to determine, <br />owner and write letter requesting that building be vacated. <br />An estimate was received for improvement of roof or pumphouse of $6175. Motion <br />by Councilman Shervheim, 2nd by Councilman Watson that we proceed. If it is <br />determined that -the roof is wood braced and needs further repair decision to expend <br />additional monies would rest with Councilman Abercrombie who is in charge of the <br />Water Department. Carried 5/0. <br />Elmer Richert reported -that the outside meter at the Austin Smith residence had <br />been broken for the sedond time. Decision made not to replace unless a meter <br />cabinet is built to protect the meter. <br />Councilman Friedrich authorized to order 4 new tires for the Village Truck from <br />Lake Elmo Oil Co. <br />Clerk advised to prepare a copy of the employee benefits and distribute copies to <br />the Village Employees. <br />Jim Trudeau was on hand to request a special use permit for a kennel on Eagle Point <br />Road. Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie to approve <br />the.permit based on -the .recommendation of the Planning Commission with the following <br />changes: Item 3 should read 'Subject to renewal once each year?, and item 7 <br />should read' If nuisances (noise, debris, safety hazards, etc.) occur during the <br />year the special use permit may be revoked by the Council with notice 'to Mr. Trudeau. <br />Carried 5/0 <br />Ed Whitman and Diick Lambert .requested authorization to build a wood working shop <br />on Lambert property zoned light industrial. Owner would be Mr. Pechan. Attorney <br />Raleigh to make sure that the necessary easement is included on the description, <br />and plat, <br />Councilman Watson presented Resolution R 70 11 regarding the step development and <br />acquisition of park property for the Lake Elmo State Park. (copy attached) and <br />moved its adoption. Second by Councilman Shervheim. Motion carried 5/0. <br />Councilman Shervheim presented Resolution R 70 12 regarding the acquisition of <br />tax delinquent property of. Howard Heubner (copy attached) and moved its adoption. <br />Second by Councilman Abercrombie. Carried 5/0. <br />Cimarron had requested that someone from the Village be available on Saturday, <br />October 24, 1970 at the Park to process dog licenses for the Park Residents. <br />Mr. Park agreed to handle this request. <br />October 242 1970 from 8-12 noon had been designated as fall cleanup day when the <br />residents of Lake Elmo will be allowed to bring all items that they want to dispose <br />of, that are not normally picked up by local haulers, to the parking lot at the <br />fire hall and it will be hauled to the sanitary landfill in trucks provided by the <br />Village. Tires not included and you have to be able -to load the items on t he truck. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim, 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that the assessment <br />of. Jim Schaefer be figured over 15 ,years and the total amount divided into equal <br />payments. Carried 5/0. <br />