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Minutes of the lale Elmo Village Council February 2, 1971. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:30PIVf by Mayor Brookman. <br />:Present:Brookin.anpFriedrichtWatsongAbercrombie,She:ovhei.iapP@,rk & Mehsikomer. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie second by Councilman. Shervheim that the <br />minutes be approved as submitted. Carried 5-0. <br />Dick Neville is the policeman 'that has been assigned to the Village of <br />bake Elmo by the Washington County Sheriff. His starting schedule is <br />to work the evening shift on Wednesday thru Saturday, the day shift on <br />Tuesday- and off on Sunday & Monday. A monthly report of his activities <br />will be given. to the council; if this in inadequate, other arrangements <br />can be made. <br />Mr.Zinchlag and Mr. Beutel of the Insurance Committee were on hand for <br />the Council decision on the awarding of insurance for the coming year. <br />Mr. Zinchlag had checked his bid to determine the accuracy of the quote <br />and was allowed to. amend it so the 'total amount was increased by $60.00 <br />-to $4,004.16 as opposed -to Mr. Be -atolls quote of $5,699.02. <br />It was pointed out that regardless who received the award for the ins- <br />urance that both agents would share in the agents fees. <br />It was reported that the Village truck had been involved in an accident <br />during the binder period and -the question of coverage had to be resolved. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Watson that the award <br />be made to Auto -Owners- subject to clarification of the accident and the <br />coverage extended during the binder period of January 16 thru February 15, <br />1971. If a special meeting is necessary it is 'tentatively scheduled for <br />February 811971 -to. resolve any problems otherwise St. Paul. Fire and Marine <br />would. cover up, during the "binder period and AutoNwmers would be given <br />the award offitially. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilman Shervheim ab- <br />xJm±mg± staining because of a conflict of interest. <br />Mayor Brockman made motion that 3M Club request for a trap and. skeet <br />range be approved subject to the -terms and conditions agreed to by the <br />Village Counsel and Counsihl from the 31VT Club and as spelled out in the <br />special use permit request. Second by Councilman Vfiatson. A vote being <br />taken showed that Bro okmam 9 Watson & Shervheim voted in favor with Council- <br />men Abercrombie and Friedrich abstaining because of conflict of interest. <br />Motion carried 3-0. Clerk instructed to issue the Special Use Permit. <br />Clerk instructed to put the burning regulations of the IVIPC on the agenda <br />of the February 16, 1971 meeting. <br />Gas Inspector, Roy Dornfeld, has been unable to fulfill the duties of <br />the position of gas inspector. A need does exist so Councilman Abercrombie <br />was delegated to contact John Mueller as an interim inspector -until Roy <br />Dornfeld is capable of returning to fill. the position or informs us that <br />he will not be or does not care to be the inspector. If and when he is <br />available the position belongs to Mr. Dornfold. <br />Councilman Shervheim motioned that Claims 047 thru 075 (see attached <br />listing) be approved for payment. Second by Councilman Abercrombie, <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Friedrich that Ordinance <br />0117 on -the discontinuation of the position of Village Constable be <br />approved. Carried 5-0. <br />Village Counsel, Don Ralcighq instructed to check the status of the <br />Baytown annexation to other communities and determine the position of <br />the Village of liake Elmo in this matter. <br />