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03-02-71 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-02-71 CCM
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Meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council March 2, 1971 <br />-Meeting called to order at 7:45PY by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present:Brookman,,.Lbercrombie,Watson,Shervheim,Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Also pr4onet:Ben Friedrich.Don Raleigh,D Zinchlag & Otto Bonestroo. <br />Minutes of the February 16,1971 meeting corrected as follows: the resolution <br />number for resolution on the deletion of kssessments against government <br />lots 24336c & e to be changed from R71-2 to R71-4. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie to approve the minutes <br />of the February 16, 1971 meeting as corrected. Carried 5/0. <br />Clerk requested to advise the news media that the Building Code require- <br />ment that the Village be given xy 10 days to 2 weeks notice prior to start <br />of any activity would be enforced . Individuals requesting a permit one <br />day and inspection the next must realize that this will not be tolerated. <br />Clerk to request a copy of the map showing trouble spots for sewage, for <br />drainfields eta for the Village Office. The office would then request the <br />requester in these areas to submit a report on percolation tests that had <br />been conducted by a relaible qualified firm. <br />A list of testing labs approved for this work should be on file so that <br />requests for approved firms canbe acknowledged properly. <br />A letter was received from the Village Engineer with a report on the request <br />to approve a variance in the building code by Mr. Gunderson. It stated that <br />the lu <br />34" x 12" laminated wood beams spaced 61 on center with 2" x 6" decking <br />(tongue & groove) with a 3/8" plywwod overlayment would more thah meet the <br />40# per sq.ft. live load stated in the building code. Further that the <br />roof framing of 408" non laminated wood beams spaced Pon center with the <br />same 2"x6"tongue & grooke white spruce decking along with a ridge beam <br />50 x 15"laminated wood beam extending the length of the house which is 39, <br />and supported by an intermediate column 191 from one end was more than <br />adequate.. Based on the above report C.Shervheim moved and C.Abercrombie <br />made the 2nd approving the requested variance . Carried 5/0 <br />Clerk reported that a letter had been received from Thomas Hay regarding <br />W.O.N.E. Acquisition- Metropolitan Sewer Board. This matter turned over <br />to C.Watson, who is the Make Elmo Representative on the W.O.N.E. Board to <br />determine what has to be done at this time., <br />Mr. D.Zinchlag of the Insurance Committee asked the Council what insurance <br />was required for the use of image signatures. Council prOsntly approves <br />the use of 2 image signatures along with one original signature. Don <br />Raleigh to check this matter out in mor detail. <br />Question had been asked if the Village of Lake Elmo would look favorably <br />an the annexation of 350 acres North of the present Village limits. It <br />was decided that Council would meet with the requester to determine the <br />background behind the request and what is involved before offering and <br />decision. Mayor to make the arrangements. <br />Mr. Conrad Adams has had a request before the Planning Commission regarding <br />building a restaurant across from the Lake Elmo School an the South side <br />of Highway 212. Engineer Bonestroo to write a letter with recommendations. <br />C.Watson to discuss with Planning Rammm± Commission at the March 9 meeting. <br />Clerk and Village Attorney instructed to get together regarding a form <br />which can be used on the face of.a file folder to record the activity on <br />the enclosed request and the status of each step that it must follow. <br />Meeting set for Thursday March 4,1971 at the Clerks Office. <br />
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