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Meeting of the take 'Elmo Village Council July 6, 1971. <br />Meeting called to order at 703OPM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Presents Brockman, Friedrich, Abercrombie, Shervheim, Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent: Watson. Also present: Raleigh, Bonestroo & Ben Friedrich. <br />The minutes of the June 15, 1971 meeting were approved as submitted. <br />Mr. Tony Fratto, representing Ted Vittori$ and Mr. J. Gassner representing Groves & Sons <br />(Crossroads Ford) appearing regarding a proposed commercial development in section 33 in <br />the SW corner of the Village. They were encouraged by the Council to make preliminary <br />plans and submit a rezoning request to the Planning Commission. It was pointed out that <br />an easement for sewer, storm sewer and water along the west side of the property was a <br />necessity. Also consideration must be given to the extension of the main trunk sewer lire <br />across the property before improvements are completed. <br />The Street Naming Committee made a final report to the Council before submitting their <br />recommendations to the Washington County Surveyor's Office. The county surveyor will <br />lay out the map of the Village of Lake Elmo and submit a completed copy to the Council <br />for final approval. Council advised committee members (Charles Taylor, Robert Mordick, <br />and Mrs. Milton Klohn) that they were to be commended for a job well done and that their <br />efforts were appreciated. <br />Mr. Gene Peltier and Mr. Jack Johnson asked if the Council had made a decision regarding <br />extending a liquor license to Mr. Jack Johnson to be used at a proposed bowling alley <br />at the intersection of present 194 and Lake F1mo Road. The Council advised that if <br />everything was in order and approved by the State Liquor Commission that the Council <br />would make the license available. <br />Elmer Haase advised that he had received more time in which to move the homes along <br />[94 and asked the Council if they would consider anything less that the $22,000 deposit <br />or bond, possibly $15,000, The Council advised Mr. Haase that if he would expedite his <br />plat and have it approved before moving the houses on to the property he could get by <br />without the deposit. If the plat is not finalized when he is .ready to move the houses <br />on to the property the full $22,000 bond or deposit would be required. <br />Mr. & Mrs. H. Iverson and Counsel Mr. Stewart Wells asked that if the Iverson's produce <br />letters from the State and from the Watershed district that they be given a variance <br />and allowed to build on Lot, 21 Berschens Shores. The Council advised that since the <br />state has no fill restrictions above the water level and if the Watershed District has <br />no objections to filling to the required level it would approve a permit subject to it <br />meeting all of the restrictions of the various codes (building, plumbing etc.) It was <br />also agreed that the Council would allow the variance in lot width. The Iversonts <br />advised that the Watershed District informed, them that a decision megarding the location <br />of the water outflow .from Lake Jane would be determined at a meeting on Thursday, July 8, 1971. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie 2nd by C. Friedrich that the Council set a hearing for the <br />vacation of that part of the Old Township Road which is not apart of present, Lake Jane <br />Road for Tuesday, July2O, 1971, at 7:00 PM at the Village Council Chambers. Carried 4-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Abercrombie that we approve the variance of Lot 21 <br />Berschen Shores and approve a building permit subject to it meeting all the codes. <br />Building Inspector would need no further approval to issue permit tinder these conditions, <br />Carried 4-0. <br />