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Meeting of the Lake Elmo Village Council September 7, 1971. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:32PM by Mayor Brockman. <br />Present: Brockman, Friedrich,Abercrombie,Shervheim, Park & Mehsikomer. <br />Also present. -Counsel Raleigh, Eng. Bonestroo, Bldg. Insp. Friedrich <br />Absent: Watson <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by C. Friedrich that the minutes of the August <br />24, 1971 meeting be approved as submitted. Carried 4-0. <br />Letter from Engineer Bonestroo received Sept. 7, 1971 advises that the grade <br />on Marigold that causes water to pool can be corrected with proper grading. <br />Motion by C. Friedrich 2nd by C. Shervheim that the clerk be instructed to send <br />a copy of the engineer's report to Mr. Gib Swanson and advise him that he should <br />make arrangements to have the blaektopping completed. Carried 4.-0. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim 2nd by'C. Friedrich to approve SI 000018 (Sewer Installers <br />License) for Sure -Flo. Carried 4-0. <br />Received a report from the State of Minnesota ordering the Chicago Northwestern <br />R. R. to install, withing the next 12 months, a new flashing signal at the <br />crossing with Hwy. 17 in the Village of Lake Elmo. The cost of the new sign <br />is divided among all the interested groups with the Village share being $1,695.00. <br />Clerk instructed to include this in the 1972 budget. <br />Mrs. Colosimo appeared before the Council asking for a decision as to whether <br />or not her property on Lake Jane is a buildable lot. Counsel read a <br />letter he had prepared for the Council advising that although this property <br />did not meet the current requirements tta t it did qualify as a buildable lot <br />as far as lot size is concerned based on history of lot filings. The question <br />then to be resolved is whether or not the lot, being on the shore of Lake Jane, <br />is adequately above the 928' flood plain level. Mayor Brockman recommended <br />that a committee of himself, C. Shervheim and C. review the property <br />and confirming to Mrs. Colosimo that this is a buildable lot and that a bldg. <br />permit would be issued if the plans met all of the building and supplemental <br />village codes. <br />Joe Lenz asked the Council for a decision on whether or not a commitment had. <br />been made on the entire layout of Kenridge Addition. He was advised that the <br />only thing officially approved was the original Plat that is registered and <br />this covered only the initial 10 lots. Suggested that he redo the balance of <br />the area and submit it to the Planning Commission. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffman 1641 Dusty Lane had appeared before the Planning <br />Commission on August 10, 1971. They asked the Council about a permit to <br />sell their 100' x 240' as a buildable lot. Description of the property is <br />only a meets and bounds description and does not qualify as a buildable lot <br />under the sub -division ordinance. Hoffman's were advised that they should <br />file a request for a variance and then appear before the Planning Commission. <br />Arrangement for this are handled through the Village Office. <br />Mrs. Hilpisch, Rose Ave., appeared as requested by Counsel. She was advised <br />of the infractions involved and what should be done. The foundation that was <br />built on old Hwy. 212 right of way should not be used. The shed that she <br />requests permission to move one=to her property is to be examined by the <br />building inspector and if he agreed the building was worthy of moving on her <br />property he would make a recommendation as to where they could place the building. <br />Since the Hilpisch's have less than 20 acres horses arP not permitted. If they <br />desired to keep horses they would have to fill out a special use permit and go <br />through standard procedure to have it considered. <br />Meeting recessed at 8:55P.M. <br />