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Proceedings of public Hearing Regarding ,Storm & ,Sanitary Sewer in <br />section 32 in the Village of sake Elmo. 9-7-71. <br />Mayor 8rookman opened the proceedings at 9:OOPM. <br />Present: Brookman,Friedrich,Abercrombie, Shervheim, Park, Counsel Raleigh, <br />Engineer Bonestroo, Mehsikomer and approx. 25 residents of the area. <br />Clerk read the Notice and advised that said notice -had been duly published <br />and posted as required by law. <br />Carl Rudeen, 3561 Hudson Road asked who would pay for the assessment on the <br />property that would be taken up by the new Highway 194. Bonestroo advised <br />that this was a legitimate improvement and that landowners who are being <br />approached by the State should make this fact known so that they receive <br />appropriate compensation for their property. <br />Joseph Brockman asked about the assessment and was advised that it would <br />be too late for next ,year, The .first assessment would be included with <br />taxes that are due and payable in 1973. <br />Robert Thul asked if contiguous property to the main could hook up to the <br />system and was advised that this would be possible but that such a decision <br />should be made before the system is installed. Also when would work be done. <br />It would be completed in 1972 but would be started now. <br />Herb Beyl asked how many would benefit. It was pointed out that now it would <br />primarily help Cross -Road Ford but that all residents would gain in that it <br />should increase the value of the property. <br />Len Kirvi.da asked if the council had considered assessing the immediate <br />benefactors more heavily and the outlying benefactors proportionately less. <br />He was advised that the assessment had not been worked out but estimate was <br />$56.20 per acre for the storm sewer and $125.00 per acre for the sanitary <br />sewer. This is based on a total cost of $G58,000.00. <br />Robert Thul advised that he was within 500 feet of the proposed system <br />but would probably be the last to benefit. It was pointed out the <br />Cross Road Ford plans calls for the removal of some of the fill, in the low <br />part of the area and that by installing the system now the Village would not <br />have the cost of excavating this area. This in itself helps to make the <br />cost minimal for the installation. <br />Carl Rudeen asked if they petitioned for the sewer to be extended to include them. <br />The answer was tentatively yes but they would have to let their wishes be known now. <br />Robert Thul asked what it would cost to run a 5001 lateral and was advised <br />that it should be about $12.00 per foot. <br />Len Kirvida asked what the interest ,rate would be on the assessment. <br />Probable interest rate 8%. <br />The summary brought out the fact that this system would to in this area <br />eventually and the fact that Cross Road Ford is interested in the area only <br />helped to bring the matter to ahead sooner that it may have -tinder normal conditions. <br />Mayor Brockman thrice called far additional comments from the audience] there <br />being none he ordered the hearing closed. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Village Clerk <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />