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MIND'TES OF THE LAK1] ELMO COUNCIL M,,,,;r ING FEBRUARY '159 1972. <br />.EI <br />Meeting called to order at 7:37PM by Mayor Brockman., <br />Present:Brookman9Sher.vheim,Friedrich,AbercrombieyPark & Mehsikomer. <br />Absent: Watson <br />Also present:Counsel Raleigh. <br />Tom Lindbeck appeared relative to a variance on Lot 5 of Bergman's Add'n. <br />Motion by Councilman 2nd by Councilman Friedrich.that if a request for <br />variance is formally filed that the Village Council will not hold up.a <br />permit because of the improper frontage. Carried 4- 0. <br />( jTwo requests for details relative to a road across part of lot 19 of Cadets <br />Fifth ;Addition. Council advised that a determination has not been made. If <br />it is decided that a road would not be constructed at this location the <br />property would revert to the owners of the adjacent lot. If a road was built <br />cost would be assessed to these same property owners. <br />Clerk recommended that the Council take action -relative to an official <br />paper for the Village. He recommended that the Council vote in favor of a <br />daily paper in that it is more convenient for counsel and for the clerk <br />and none of the papers could show a positive mailing list for the 'Village <br />that would warrant a change at this time. Motion by C.Friedrich. 2nd by C. <br />Abercrombie that the Stillwater Daily Gazette be named as the official <br />Village paper. Carried 4-0. <br />C.Abercrombie submitted Resolutionh'72-3 establishing the local assessor <br />as a Village appointment rather than a county appointment. and asked for <br />its approval.. Second. by C.Shervheim and passed by the Council 4-0. <br />Councilman.Fr.iedrich asked for approval to replace the brush on the sweeper <br />at a cost of $225.00. Motion to approve by C.Friedrich 2nd by C. Shervheim. <br />and passed by the %Council 4-0. <br />Council had inspected the 20th Century Homes business on 194 and asked the: <br />clerk to advise them that the Special Use Permitissued to Edison Homes <br />was not transferable and that they should make application through normal <br />channels if they wanted such a Special Use Permit.. <br />Clerk instructed to invite Vali-Hi Management to the March 8, 1972 meeting <br />to discuss their Special Use Permit. Dick Neville to be present.. <br />C'..Abercrombie presented an outline of duties that would be delegated to <br />the Sewer Study Committee and the Park Study Committees. Motion by C..Abercrom <br />bie 2nd by 0. Shervheim to establish said committees. Mayor Brookman appoint- <br />ed John Patton and C. Friedrich appointed Bernard Froehner to the Sewer <br />Study Committee. Other appointments would be made at the next meeting. <br />The Park Planning and Advisory Committee received one appointment from <br />Mayor Brockman; it was Mrs. Mane Trudeau. Again members will be scheduled <br />for appointment at the meat meeting.. <br />( .Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Friedrich that: the bills be paid. Carried 4-,0. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Friedrich to adjourn at 10:08PM. Carried. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Mehsik:omer <br />Village Clerk <br />'',ake Elmo„ Minnesota <br />