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6-2.0-72 Village Council (con't) <br />Curtis Wenzel appeared relative to a special use permit for a swimming <br />pool, Councilman Watson moved with Councilman Shervheim seconding that <br />upon the recommendation of the PC a permit be issued with the usual <br />restriction as in other such permits to Mr, Wenzel. Carried 4-0. <br />Mr. T. Friedrich of Lead Inc, appeared in connection with a request <br />for a special use permit on a planned unit development of six townhouse - <br />units on six acres on old llth street. At—di-reoto-n—o-f the-e-ounei-1, <br />a-t-t-o•rn-e y--.w-i 11---n.e.gox-i-a-t e—a—p e-r-m f-t---w..i..th_Mr_,—F r i e-d-r-i-c-h--f o r- <br />px.e s e-n t-a-t 1 on t o -th e c ovn•o i-] _.f.p.r _ c-c.ns� d-e-r-a-t-io-n--a-t..a1.a-t.ex._d-a to . In <br />connection with this development, it was noted by the village engineer <br />that the water main project is being withheld pending a formal agree- <br />ment between Mr. Friedrich and Mr. Coopersmith, the adjoining property <br />owner. Mr. Bonestroo also suggested that the final plat of the planned <br />unit development be withheld until the actual buildings are built and <br />surveyed as to their location. <br />Inspector John Mueller appeared regarding a well contractor, McCullough <br />& Sons, Inc., disregarding the ordinance. Village attorney will <br />contact McCullough regarding compliance. Mr. Mueller asked that a <br />procedure be established whereby all necessary permits be issued at <br />one time in connection with any one building. This also will be <br />reviewed with the village attorney. It was further suggested that <br />the council review the possibility of governing other heating instal- <br />lations other than gas by ordinance and permit. <br />Mr. Clarence Lein appeared regarding a variance of the zoning <br />regulation. He plans to buy a three acre tract from L. Kleia'O farm <br />north of Lake Jane. He requested that a building permit be issued <br />prior to platting along with permission to live in a mobil home <br />during the period of construction of his dwelling. A question of <br />road easements and necessary culverts was referred to village <br />engineer. No action taken till there is proof of ownership. <br />The council reviewed a petition from residence of Oace Acres 3rd <br />addition regarding culvert and drainage problems on Deer Pond Trail <br />and Jack Pine Trail. Council will review problem June 28 at the site. <br />Council declared that during July there will be only one regular - <br />meeting, July 18, 1972. <br />Councilman Shervheim moved and Councilman Watson seconded the adoption <br />of Resolution #72-15, the placing of Yield signs on all streets <br />entering 33rd between Klondike and Lake Elmo Road; placing stop signs <br />on 33rd at Klondike and old North Shore at Klondike (Rose Street). <br />Passed unanimously. <br />The council reaffirmed its action of 2-15-72 in granting a variance <br />to Thomas Lindbeck and that of 4-4-72 in granting a variance to <br />Everett Y Holt. <br />/ The council instructed the clerk to contact Mr. Stouvenel of the <br />l Pendleton Co, to make application for a special use permit for the <br />placing of a sign at their new office area, <br />Councilman Shervheim moved and Councilman WataRii seconded to pay out- <br />standing bills. Carried unanimously. <br />Meeting adjourned at 10:59. <br />