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DRAFT <br />(2) The Lake Elmo Baseball Association presented a request to the Parks Commission <br />for electrical service, lighting and outlet to the dugout and storage building at VFW Park. <br />This requires a transformer and service line trenched from the current field lighting panel. <br />The Parks Commission reviewed the request at the April 18, 2006, Parks Commission <br />meeting. It was budgeted in the CIP, and recommended for approval at the April 18, <br />2006, meeting for installation. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith - to accept the low bid from Webster Electrical Construction for <br />$2,980.00, as proposed by the Parks Commission. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />(3) The Parks Commission recommended the purchase and installation of a new swing <br />set at Tablyn Park, and the removal of the 17-year old wood play stucture and swing set. <br />This swing set was budgeted in the 2006 CIP. Price quotes wex o l tained from Miracle <br />Recreation with the low bid of $1,159.64. The Play structure has 2lready been replaced <br />with a modular system. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to accept the swing set bid froaMiracle Recreatn of $1,159.64 <br />for the purchase and installation at Tablyn Park. (1 ption passed 4-0) <br />C. Fire Dept: <br />Fire Chief Malmquist informed the City at <br />Ty Jacobson (moved out of City) and Chac <br />accepting applications, with hiring in July. <br />reminded everyone about the 50a' ANen <br />with the celebration to let him know. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S I <br />A. Trail Constnrcti <br />City Engineer Piev/�ill be <br />Station Park Traa`ll He will <br />Q <br />from Station No. 1 — <br />�'(work cbriimitments). They are <br />t focuYs for daytime. He also <br />shared that if anyone wanted to help <br />for two trails — 55a' Street and Carriage <br />ation at the next Council meeting. <br />A. Variance for $009.14ill Trail, Jason Tacheny Resolution 2006-041 <br />The City Planner reported that the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing and <br />adopted a recommendation for approval of this application to remodel and enlarge an <br />existing home on a substandard lot (by area). Two variances are requested and <br />recommended for approval: home enlargement on substandard lot and street setback to <br />Hill Trail <br />Council discussion concerned the setting of a potential precedent, the character of the <br />neighborhood, if the scale of the house after the improvements would be in keeping with <br />the neighborhood; and, the nature of the hardship. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 2, 2006 <br />