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DRAFT <br />City Attorney Filla stated that State Law prescribes, "reasonable use of the property" <br />among the general standards for granting zoning variances. He also advised the Council <br />that each variance application is unique and the Council's decisions on variances tend to <br />be subjective, and need not necessarily be consistent as long as specific findings are made <br />by the Council regarding the variance standards in each case. He concluded that the <br />Council should not be concerned with precedent as long as there are specific findings to <br />support their variance decisions, <br />M/S/P Johnston/Johnson — to table to the next meeting to continue consideration of the <br />applications with the full Council in attendance. <br />(Motion passed 3-1: DeLapp-believed everything was presented) <br />B. Permission for Temporary Office Trailer — Lake E1molPines <br />The City Planner reported that Staff recommends the Councilpprove a temporary <br />office/clubhouse at Lake Elmo Pines (formerly Mulligan Migtersj with the condition that <br />the temporary structure be removed by November 30, 20Q6` -, <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith - to approve amending the k,n1ligan M. asters Section 520 Site Plan <br />approval to permit a temporary office/clubhouse facility�milar to that previously <br />approved, and to be removed by November,30, 2006 `((Motion passed 4-0) <br />C. Zoning Ordinance'. <br />Ordinance No. 97-168: <br />The City Planner reported that <br />April 24, 2006, to consider cot <br />PF zone the same new perfel <br />zoning districts in 2002. He n <br />2002 amendments due to the,s: <br />zones. <br />City Attorney Filla <br />before the Council. <br />ling Commission conducted a Public Hearing on <br />miendin PF district standards by adding to the <br />idardsthat'were adopted for all of the commercial <br />it WIG.intent to include the PF zone in the <br />of most PF structures to those of the commercial <br />numbering modifications to the ordinance draft <br />Council Member DeLapp suggested technical terms modifications to the description of <br />"brick veneer" and "wood siding." <br />The City Planner recommended that the suggested technical working modifications be <br />brought back to the Council with the same modifications applicable to the commercial <br />zone performance standards in a separate action to maintain consistency of standards <br />zone -to zone. <br />M/S/P JohnsoiVJohnston - to adopt Ordinance No. 97-168 amending the Performance <br />Standards to the PF Zoning District. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />0 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 2, 2006 <br />