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May 2, 2006 CCP
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2006 CCP
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concerns about the health, safety and welfare if the septic system were to fail. They are <br />requesting more than a 60' setback. <br />City Planner Dillerud and City Attorney Filla stated that trails are not structures and, <br />therefore, may be located within the OP buffer area. The City Planner also suggested that <br />the trail could easily be moved, and he thought the developer would agree to that. <br />Ms. Ziertman said she would like to know how the size of the proposed septic treatment <br />wetland compared to the Fields I development. The City Engineer said that he will <br />provide that information to them. Paul Danielson, the Developer's engineer, confirmed <br />that the alternatelbackup drainfield site is north of the church and is a constructed <br />wetland. <br />Ms. Ziertman stated that she would like to see screening provided%6 their property line, <br />buffering them the project. City Planner Dillerud stated the Final Landscape Plan would <br />be submitted later along with the Final Plat. <br />Ms. Ziertman asked why the trail couldn't be put on\eysecond drainfield, site and to the <br />east site line, within thel5'-20' watermain easement grante , , o the City l y the developer. <br />Mr. Danielson agreed that language could be adding atra�ght to the watermain <br />easement _. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to adopt Resolution 2006-03,& approving the OP Development <br />Stage Plan/OP Conditional Use Permit and Pxehmirl Plat for Hidden Meadows of <br />Lake Elmo per plans staff dated Aprt3, 2006, with the addition of the following: <br />1) Compliance with the recommendati& s/requirements of the City Engineer; <br />2) Compliance with the reco-mendat arisfrequirements of the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District as found to be appropriibI1y,,the City Engineer; 3) Trail setback to the Ziertman <br />property be increased.# reenitg be considered in the Landscape Plan; 4) Confirm <br />drainfield setback 15yd be 100'_eett'rom property line; 5) Provide size and delineation of <br />the alternate drairfield; 6) Secondary drainfield have the appropriate easement for trail <br />use; 7) A trail easement be added to the proposed watermain easement. <br />(Motion passed 5-0) <br />C. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment — Outdoor Social rvents: <br />Several Council Members questioned the need to reduce the maximum person count and <br />the need for additional required conditions regarding traffic, parking, hours, and liquor. <br />City Planner Dillerud recommended referring the proposed ordinance back to the <br />Planning Commission to further consider those matters. He noted that some of those <br />concerns were best addressed case -by -case with a formal CUP application, and that this <br />was a City-wide ordinance under consideration, not a specific applications by a property <br />owner. <br />Resident Carol Palmquist stated that she wanted to clarify the number of people and <br />vehicles that would be allowed. She said her staff would control loud music, security and <br />safety, and that two hundred people or less would be attending events on her property. <br />0 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 2006 <br />
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