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Saint CroLv VaUey Area Community Family Center <br />2006 Preliminary Survey Findings <br />Located 15 minutes away by car 8% 8% <br />Slippage among potential users is not significant but a 15-minute distance appears to be <br />the threshold before major declines occur. <br />10. The charge of a moderate fee for a daily pass to use the recreational and wellness <br />facilities causes a decline among potential Community Family Center visitors. <br />Eighteen percent of occasional users and 19% of frequent users report the fee would <br />significantly decrease their visits to the recreational and wellness facilities. The typical <br />member of both of these groups, though, would pay $5.00-$6.00 for a daily pass. <br />11. Family and individual memberships for the use of recreational and wellness <br />facilities drew different levels of interest Only 8% of the sample expresses interest in a <br />yearly individual membership. A majority of this group would pay $250.00 per year for <br />the membership. In contrast, when informed about cost comparisons, a very solid 23% <br />are willing to pay $500.00 per year for a family membership to the Community Family <br />Center. <br />Implications: <br />A. The Committee needs to be much more aggressive in communicating with the public. <br />With less than ten percent reporting awareness of the planning process, familiarity with <br />the Community Family Center has not spread beyond the "community activist core." <br />B. Potential use levels and willingness to pay for passes and/or memberships are higher <br />than the initial norms for this type of facility. At the outset, these results strongly support <br />taking the planning process to the next level — explicit determination of both facilities and <br />services to be included and the designation of a site. Strong and unified direction will be <br />needed on both of these issues to maintain current levels of support for the project. <br />Page 4of4 <br />