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SCVACFC Site Selection Task Force August 18, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />• Baseline Acquisition Costs <br />• Additional Infrastructure Costs <br />• Size of Site and Expansion Potential <br />• Development Timing <br />• Proximity to Bus Transit Routes and Walking/Biking Trails <br />• Current Traffic Counts (Flows) and Projected Traffic Flows <br />• Possible Environmental Issues <br />• Political Climate <br />Base Site Criteria -Group Meeting <br />Although each major stakeholder group has a slightly different set of criteria associated with <br />their selection of a site, the following criteria appear generally agreed on by the group and a <br />shared acknowledgement of their importance. <br />On May 12, 2006, Maxfield Research Inc. met with representatives of the participant <br />communities along with representatives of the key user prospects of the facility. The intention <br />was to frame the discussion relevant to the preferences of the key users and review previous <br />discussions that had already occurred regarding stakeholder needs. <br />• A location that will be somewhat central to current population and projected growth in the St <br />Croix Valley Area; <br />• A location that is within the School District boundaries; <br />• A location that is relatively convenient to access for potential users; <br />• A location that would potentially meet the needs and criteria of most, if not all, of the <br />stakeholders. <br />Specific needs and criteria were mentioned by the YMCA and by the School District. The <br />YMCA indicated a preference for a location that would have convenient access from major <br />thoroughfares and a drive -time of no more than 10 minutes by car. In general, the concerns of <br />the YMCA reflect the need to generate a sufficient number of dues paying members to justify <br />operations costs and development costs of the facility. <br />A concern was expressed by the group that employees of major employers in the area should be <br />able to conveniently access the Site and that the facility may offer wellness programs. At <br />subsequent discussions, this concern remained present, but has now been relegated to lower <br />concern because many employees currently live in the area and would access the facility as a <br />resident, not just an employee. <br />MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. <br />