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02-01-00 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-01-00 CCM
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B. Introduction of New Fire Chief, Fire Department Election <br />There was election of officers at the Fire Department's January 18, 2000 meeting. Our code (Section <br />215.01) states that the Council must approve all members, including the Chief and Assistant Chiefs and <br />should include Captains. Administrator Kueffner explained she would like to look into a couple of issues <br />and asked that these appointments be postponed until the February 15 Council meeting. She requested the <br />appointment of Greg Malmquist, as interim Fire Chief, be made until ratified at the 151" meeting. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to postpone consideration of certification of election results for officers at the Fire <br />Dept's January 18 meeting. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn —to appoint Greg Malmquist as interim Fire Chief until the February 15" council <br />meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Street Light at CSAH19 and CSAH10 <br />Washington County will be installing a street light on the existing pole at the entrance to the Regional Park <br />In accordance with the County's Cost Participation policy, Lake Elmo will pick up the cost of electricity <br />and maintenance. That amount is estimated to be approximately $30 per month. <br />Council discussion followed: Council member DeLapp wouldn't support any more money than the <br />percentage of residents that use the road. Council member Dunn indicated it was Washington County that <br />installed the divided highway and put in rumble strips, which was effective at that time. She had a concern <br />on the County changing policy in mid stream. She would like to know where the light is proposed, the <br />height, and canopy size. Council member Armstrong thought the installation of a light would be good, but <br />we didn't ask for the regional park, which is used by the entire metro area so the County should pay the <br />fees. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to support the placement of a light on the existing pole at the entrance to the <br />Regional Park as long as it meets the Lake Elmo lightning ordinance and Washington County pays the <br />ongoing electricity and maintenance fees. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />1999 Traffic Signal Ranking/Proposed Traffic signal and Safety Improvements for 2000 <br />The Council expressed their disappointment in that the County had moved back a year the installation of a <br />light at Highway 36 and CSAH17 to accommodate a light as CSAH13 and 10. The Washington County <br />Deputies and the Lake Elmo Fire Dept. strongly supported the installation of a light at Hwy 36 and <br />CSAH17. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to send a letter to Washington County Commissioner Bill Pulkrabek, Washington <br />County Transportation representatives, Marc Huginen, Met.Council, inviting them to a Council workshop <br />at 6 p.m. to discuss what they are proposing for Hwy 36 and CSAH17, to let them know the light needs to <br />be installed as soon as possible before more accidents happen. By then we will have the updated counts. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Resolution 11-18-00-01 Ramsey/Washington Cable Commission <br />Opposition to Senate File 2133 and House File 2137 <br />Ginney Holder, Lake Elmo's representative on the Ramsey/Washington Cable Commission, reported there <br />are two bills in front of the legislature changing who has authority of cable, locally. The bill changes the <br />responsibilities and franchise fees to the State. By passing the resolution, it states that you want to have <br />your representation at the table. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn—to Adopt Resolution 2000-07, A Resolution Adopting Resolution No. 11-18-99-01 <br />Adopted by the Ramsey/Washington Suburban Cable Commission on December 13, 1999 in Opposition to <br />Senate File 2133 and House File 2137. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 2000 <br />
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