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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />FEBRUARY 23, 2000 <br />Mayor Hunt called the workshop to order at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers to discuss <br />the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Stillwater Investment. PRESENT: Siedow, <br />Dunn (arrived 5:10 p.m.) , Hunt, Armstrong, DeLapp, City Planner Dillerud, City <br />Engineer Prew, City Attorney Filla, and Administrator Kueffner. <br />1. Agenda: The Council amended the agenda to include a request from staff regarding a <br />utility easement in the Fields of St. Croix, 2"a <br />2. Utility Easement over dedicated park land in the Fields of St. Croix, 2"d Addition. <br />Staff advised the Council that through an oversight, the City did not grant a utility <br />easement to the Field's Home Owners Association for access to and maintenance of the <br />wetland treatment system that crosses a portion of a city park within this development. <br />M/S/P DeLaapp/Siedow - to direct the staff to work with the developer of the Fields of <br />St. Croix, 2" Addition to obtain the necessary easement in favor of the Fields's <br />Homeowners's Association for future access, inspection and maintenance of the <br />wetland treatment system that serves this property. <br />3. Stillwater Investment: John Arkell <br />The Council reviewed a fourth land use option submitted by John Arkell on behalf of <br />Stillwater Investment. This option included 109 home sites and approximately 4 acres of <br />commercial property. Mr. Arkell stated that he had visited Bob Engstrom's development <br />in Woodbury that has this type of mixed used, and was willing to consider this type of <br />development if the council approved it. <br />In concept, the majority of the Council favored a mixed -use development with a <br />maximum of 25,000 square feet of "professional office buildings", including the <br />necessary parking lot, along with the 109 single-family home sites. <br />Council member Armstrong stated she could support the commercial site, if the home <br />sites were reduced and the lots we larger. <br />