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04-18-00 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-18-00 CCM
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Council member Dunn indicated she approved the outlet with commercial for office buildings with the idea <br />this would reduce the housing units, but there are 110 units on the plat, and 109 were approved. Mr. Arkell <br />indicated he talked to the Administrator who suggested this lot could be given to the City for the Fire Dept., <br />or give proceeds of the lot to the City. Attorney Filla stated there are state laws that need to be followed. <br />Do not want to create a circumstance that can be misconstrued to approve plat because of a donation of <br />some kind and have an appearance of impropriety. <br />Mike Gair clarified the 15`n lot was purely mathematics, it was an effort to resolve a problem. <br />City Engineer, Tom Prow, provided a new memo, dated April 18th, commenting on streets, storm sewer, <br />water system and septic system. <br />Council Member Armstrong had a concern on how the applicant can honor the City's 1%Rule as to rate. <br />Prow responded the Valley Branch Watershed is looking at the plan. The City is making sure that the plat <br />meets all of our rules and there are storm water ponds provided. Council member Dunn reminded the <br />applicant that they may loose lots to the 1% Rule. <br />Council member DeLapp suggested taking curbs out of island portions and installing a 22' or 24' road <br />because there is not much traffic volume on this road. Mr. Arkell stated a 24' wide road, face of curb to <br />face of curb, would be fore. DeLapp also asked him to consider putting in a hammerhead (straight L) cul- <br />de-sac. Prew responded we have to consider the ease of school buses to turn around and allow emergency <br />vehicles to go through. DeLapp liked the sketch of the "Welcome to Lake Elmo" sign. He had a problem <br />with Resolution 2000-14, item 4, allowable businesses because these uses are customer oriented. <br />Mike Gair explained we took the LB list and limited uses and submitted list to Planner Dillerud. Banks <br />may not be consistent with DeLapp's thoughts. Limited for professional managerial functions <br />Nancy Hoff, resident, stated it is real important to most of us, residents, that live there, to see a cul-de-sac at <br />55'h and Manning in order to stop that flow of traffic. Council member Dunn pointed out this is the only <br />real condition the residents wanted included. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to change Resolution No. 2000-014 item 4, uses on outlot B limited to office for <br />administrative executive and professional managerial functions. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />There was discussion on the amount of water going into Tamarack swamp. Mayor Hunt pointed out that <br />Item 7 Lake Elmo requires the developer to make all reasonable effort to maintain quality of Tamarack <br />bog. They would pursue all the efforts to maintain. Mike Gair stated it's a DNR protected wetland, and we <br />could get some outside help and consult with them to review engineering plans for a method of cleaning the <br />water before it goes into the bog. Numerous possibilities raised on how to protect and study this process. <br />Council member Siedow stated there is a right hand accelerated lane out of the development. Will there be <br />further acceleration lanes? Yes. done with this project. DeLapp suggested posting tam lane area for bikes. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn — to amend Resolution No. 2000-011, A Resolution adding Section Il A3 of the <br />1990 Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan, as amended (delete: 5. No portion of the site may be land use <br />classified or zoned for any of the non-residential land use classes or zones.) (Motion passed 5-0.) Council <br />member Dunn pointed out based on past history, the Met Council refused to approve our comprehensive <br />plan at a lower density in this specific area. A community should ultimately plan their own future. <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out that in the Planner's report that he suggested that R2 zoning for the <br />residential portion and LB zoning for the office portion of this site would be appropriate based on the <br />Council's direction as to uses, with the actual uses allowed strictly controlled by the PUT) and Development <br />Agreement. Therefore, any zoning amendments should be only concurrent with that Agreement, with the <br />Final Plat/Plan stage. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 18, 2000 <br />
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