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Mayor Hunt called the Council meeting to order a 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />PRESENT: Siedow, Dunn, Hunt, Armstrong, DeLapp, City Engineer Prew, Attorney John Miller, <br />City Planner Dillerud, Building Official Jim McNamara, Fire Chief Greg Mamlquist and Administrator <br />Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — to approve the August 15, 2000 City Council agenda, as amended. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />2. MINUTES: August 1, 2000 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong — to approve the August 1, 2000 Council minutes, as amended. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution No. 2000-032 approving the August 15, 2000 Claims <br />Number 17877 through 17963, as presented, in the amount of $38,281.74. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />Captain Johnson, Washington County Sheriff's Dept, reported the Sheriff's department has someone in <br />jail that has been burglarizing homes in the surrounding communities. He encourages residents to call <br />the Sheriff s Dept. if they see something is out of place, to get the license number, and try to be a good <br />witness. Johnson also reported that the accident rate on Highway 36 has not increased, but that they do <br />write citations. <br />A. Minnegasco Gas Franchise Request <br />Arnie Hendrickson, Reliant Energy Minnegasco, requested a franchise to provide natural gas service in <br />Lake Elmo, specifically along the frontage road north of I-94. It is because of the close proximity of <br />their distribution system on the frontage road from County 19 to Inwood that they are requesting a gas <br />franchise to offer gas service to the new commercial developments along that frontage. <br />Development is a ways off in that area and the Council doesn't see a need for granting another <br />franchise at the present time. If development does occur in the area, the council invited Minnegasco to <br />come before the Council then <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to decline Minnegasco's request for a franchise agreement in the City. <br />(Motion passed 5-0.) <br />B. Request for meeting on Public Facilities ordinance. <br />On behalf of the local worship centers, Jeff Roos, MFRA, requested a meeting with the Planning <br />Commission and Council to discuss the pending PF ordinance. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 15, 2000 2 <br />