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Pathways lead to the Old Village: , ow would he initiate this? Planner Dillo, ad stated the Parks <br />Commission would relook at the trail plan. <br />Secretary of Interior Stds. for adaptive reuse of Ag buildings does NOT prevail. <br />Tom Wiener asked what's the incentive anymore for doing a cluster development? He spent $50,000 on <br />trees in Cardinal Ridge, From a developer standpoint, why wouldn't he just put in 2.5 ace lots? <br />Planner Dillerud explained a developer could come in with a PUD application for an Open Space <br />development. <br />Tim Freeman made the following comments: <br />4/5ths variation for items in the ordinance is important and removes the hardship requirement. Doesn't <br />see any reason to take it out. Elimination is hampering ordinance. <br />Single Family Attached Housing violates the setback requirements. <br />Wetland treatment systems and Alternative Treatment systems are not allowed by ordinance, your <br />allowing them should be recognized by ordinance. The fact that you've been allowing them should be <br />recognized in the ordinance. Individual septic tanks have not been used in a communal system <br />3 to 1 aspect ratio and minimum 40 acres site requirements would not have allowed developing of Tana or <br />Cardinal Ridge and the Siverson property next door. <br />Parkland — Donated parkland should be considered part of the Open Space. Section 400: If there is a park <br />designated on the park plan then you have to dedicate a park. If you put the land in then cannot count it as <br />part of the open space. Planning Commissioner Sessing stated the PZ thought if they are not dedicating <br />property you giving the rights to the park. Certain amount of money is dedicated if they are not giving the <br />land. If they give the land they don't have to give the money. That land should be taken out of that, lakes <br />etc, otherwise it is considered this double-dipping and not fair to count the land twice. Dillerud: Section <br />400 already makes accommodations for OP development where instead of 10% it is 7% park dedication <br />requirements. What happens is some of the open space requirement was being used as park dedication <br />requirements even the 7 percent. The way it is written is that an OP project has a 7% requirement be it <br />land or money regardless of the original building space because they have already been given credit for <br />Section 400. It is not right for a developer to count the same piece of ground toward his preserved open <br />space and his park dedication. Freeman stated there is nothing in the ordinance the OP land belongs to the <br />public. It's private property. A conservation easement is not used for public use. <br />Open Space land does not belong to the public. Parkland cannot be considered open space. Bob <br />Engstrom suggested a flat fee be paid per unit ($900-$1200). <br />Lowering density from 18 to 15 is too drastic. Where's the incentive to place trails, trees, etc. to use OP <br />ordinance when you can develop 2.5 acre lots. <br />Village Greens: Don't take out Village Greens because people like them, for an example, Village Green in <br />Tana Ridge. They need to be encouraged in the ordinance because they are expensive. Flexibiilty would <br />be helpful. Council member Dunn stated there are some good Village Greens, but we are talking about <br />skinny strips in the right-of-way. This is the first time he heard the Planner talk about a PUD as an option <br />for an OP development. <br />Creative developments draw people into Lake Elmo. People want to live in the development like the Open <br />Space around them, but they want to live in the neighborhood. People cannot take care of 2.5 acres. When <br />Heritage Farm was developed at the same time Terry Emerson did a 2.5 acre development in Baytown <br />Township. Both developers had the same real estate agent and the prices were comparable. Terry did not <br />sell a single lot until Heritage Farm was sold out. <br />Planning Commissioner Valerie Brass responded Mr. Freeman just answered the question what is the <br />incentive to develop an OP development. The ordinance works, people like the OP developments and are <br />buying the lots. <br />