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l <br />Council members Siedow, Dunn, Armstrong agreed with the City's <br />Administrator's interpretation of Council intent was not to <br />reimburse anyone for the use of personal cellphones in non - <br />emergency situations. The Fire Chief does have a pager and there <br />are radios on the fire vehicles. The Council asked how did the <br />previous Fire Chiefs, Sachs and Pott, who had full time jobs <br />manage without a cell phone. The Chief could look into another <br />cellphone service plan with unlimited minutes for approximately <br />$30. Mayor Hunt suggested the Fire Dept. Committee discuss a <br />communication policy and come back with a recommendation to <br />solve this dilemma. The Mayor was reminded this policy would <br />affect the entire City Staff, not just the Fire Dept. members. This <br />item will be placed on a June Council agenda. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn — to approve Resolution No. 2001-032, <br />Claim # 18729 through 18768 in the amount of $46,677.32. <br />(Motion passed 4-0.) <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br />A. July 3 Council Meeting <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to cancel the July 3, 2001 City Council <br />meeting. (Motion passed 4-0.) The Council will be notified if <br />there is any agenda items that require a meeting. <br />B. E-Mail Letter on Tornado Warning Siren <br />Dick Johnson, 8896 Lake Jane Trail, asked if the matter of a <br />second storm warning siren could be addressed at the Council <br />meeting. This project was budgeted for a very long time ago. <br />Residents in the Tri-Lakes need this protection. <br />Mayor Hunt explained topography was looked at for best siren <br />location. There is a plan for up to 8 sirens, but installation of these <br />Lake Elmo City Council Minutes May 15, 2001 3 <br />