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guidelines. Precision Tree service, who was recommended by <br />the City of Mpls, did a great job with storm removal. Buberl <br />Recycling also helped the City in its cleanup effort. <br />E-mail Letter on City Brushing for Residents:Dick Johnson, <br />8896 Lake Jane Trail, encouraged the Council to continue this <br />service to the residents. <br />The Council indicated they want to continue emergency storm <br />cleanup and will continue through the year. A time limit of one <br />week is set for cleanup after a storm. Last year the City spent <br />$51,000 on storm damage cleanup. The program was not <br />intended for residents to clear yards and acreage. <br />The Council asked that staff get bids for outsourcing the brush <br />program twice a year, spring and fall, to be discussed at the June <br />5th Council meeting. <br />Addition to Existing Pole Building at Maintenance Site: <br />Dan Olinger provided a rough sketch for 42' x 120' heated pole <br />building at an approximate cost of $150,000, $236,000 is in the <br />budget.. He would move the welder and electronic equipment <br />into new building. Mechanical and maintenance work would be <br />done in the new building. Stall 3 would be cleaned up for the <br />Fire Dept. The Council asked that this item be given to MAC at <br />its June meeting. <br />Cleanup days. Dan Olinger reported Clean-up Day went well <br />and by 12:30 the Fairground was left spotless. <br />Stop Signs: Council member Dunn pointed out at the northern <br />end of town the stop signs are deteriorating, particularly by <br />Springborn. Dan Olinger responded after the crew has <br />completed pothole repair he will do inventory of signs. <br />Lake Elmo City Council Minutes May 15, 2001 5 <br />