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LAKI LMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTL, <br />JULY 5, 2001 <br />M/S/P Siedow/DeLapp — to appoint Councilmember Armstrong as Acting Mayor for the <br />Special Council meeting. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />Acting Mayor Armstrong called the Special Council meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. PRESENT: Siedow, Armstrong, DeLapp, and Administrator <br />Kueffner. ABSENT: Mayor Hunt and Councilmember Dunn <br />Resolution Approving the Issuance of New Parcel Identification numbers: Applicant: <br />Tony Carlene <br />Tim Freeman, representing the Carlones, stated the Planning Commission identified the <br />two variances needed, granted these variances and the now the lots are in compliance. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported this was a platted lot of record under one tax parcel <br />identification. This is not a zoning issue, therefore, required a majority vote by the <br />Council. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong — to adopt Resolution No. 2001-044, A Resolution Approving <br />the Issuance of New Parcel Identification Numbers for Tony Carlene, Tablyn Park based <br />on Findings and Conditions stated in Resolution. (Motion passed 2-1:DeLapp: These lots <br />should have to meet the City's RI standards. The County Supervisor told him they would <br />not record this subdivision.) <br />2. Resolution approving the award of bid by Washington County for the reconstruction of <br />CSAH 13 (Inwood Avenue) from Highway 5 to CSAH 6 (Stillwater Blvd.) <br />Administrator Kueffner reported Jill Smith, 3M, has agreed to pay its portion. The County <br />can do the project this year. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow — to adopt Resolution 2001-045, Bid Award Concurrence for <br />reconstruction of County Road 13,from Highway 5 to CSAH 6 (Stillwater Boulevard). <br />(Motion passed 3-0). <br />Inwood Avenue and Highway 5: Administrator Kueffner will look into requesting <br />synchronization of lights. Councilmember DeLapp will write letter -describing situation. <br />Meeting Adjourned at 5:30 p.m. <br />Resolution No. 2001-044 Approving the Issuance of New Parcel ID Numbers for Tony <br />Carlone, Tablyn Park <br />Resolution No. 2001-045 Bid Award Concurrence for reconstruction of CSAH13, <br />Highway 5 to CSAH6 (Stillwater Blvd.) <br />