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Mayor <br />Lee Hunt <br />Councilmembers <br />Rosemary Armstrong <br />Steve DeLapp <br />Susan Dunn <br />Chuck Siedow <br />Citv Administrator <br />Mary Kueffner <br />Asst. City Admin. /City Planner <br />Chuck Dillerud <br />No. <br />13A <br />Agenda Section: City Administrator's Report <br />Agenda Item: Assessment Policy <br />Date: January 16, 2001 <br />Attached is a copy of the proposed Assessment Policy submitted by Councilman DeLapp a <br />few months ago. I have also attached a copy of the City's current assessment policy, and a <br />letter from the City Attorney clarifying assessment guidelines. <br />In defense of the City's current policy, I would like to remind you that it is the culmination <br />of many years of trying different methods of assessing for 429 Projects within the City, and <br />thus far has worked out quite well (there has never been an appeal to an assessment). <br />In defense of Councilmember DeLapp's proposed policy, I believe it is well intended, but to <br />me appears to be complex and subjective. However, I look forward to hearing his <br />explanation of the proposal so I get a better understanding of what he is attempting to do. <br />If this proposal is the result of the three OP developments that occurred onto unimproved <br />roads, I can and do appreciate the City's frustration with not assessing the developing <br />property adjacent to these roads at a greater percentage. I would support a change to the <br />current policy that would allow us that type of flexibility, and wish more than any one that <br />we could make any change retroactive. <br />I will work with the Council to amend the current policy, if that is your direction. <br />