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08-14-01 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-14-01 CCM
Entry Properties
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City of Lake Elmo <br />Public Improvement and Assessment Policy <br />Page 2 <br />D. Benefit Appraisal Method: Assessments are determined by assigning the increase in <br />value to a property as determined by the appraisal. <br />Corner Lots: Comer lots are included in the benefiting area with the exception of single/two <br />family dwellings. If the improvements are along the front lot line of a single\two family dwelling, <br />the parcel shall be included in the benefiting area with each unit assessed separately. If the <br />improvements are along the side lot line of a single/two family dwelling, the parcel shall not be <br />included in the benefiting area, unless the lot can be subdivided. For the purpose of this <br />Assessment Policy, the front lot line is defined as the side of the lot which abuts the street <br />upon which the property is addressed. <br />Recreational Lots: Recreational lots without a primary living structure, but used for recreational <br />purposes, and not combined with the owner's lot with a primary structure shall be included in the <br />benefiting area and assessed at one-half (1/2) of the rate for a non -recreational lot within the same <br />project. <br />Agricultural and Rural Residential Property: Property zoned Agricultural or Rural Residential <br />that has not been subdivided will be assessed as one unit for each dwelling on the property. If the <br />property is subdivided after the completion of said improvement, but before the expiration of the <br />assessment period or eight years, whichever is the greater, then the property will pay a total <br />contribution equivalent to the total number of subdivided lots based on the original assessment <br />without interest. (or with interest.) <br />IV. IMPRO VEVIEVTS <br />A. Roadway and Street Lighting Improvements <br />1. Petitions for roadway and street lighting projects shall be filed and accepted by the <br />Council prior to January I of the year of construction. The Council may authorize <br />accepting a petition after January by special consent. <br />2. Projects may be initiated by petition of at least thirty-five percent (35%) of the <br />property owners measured in area and/or frontage, and requires a majority vote of <br />the City Council. <br />3. Projects may be initiated by the City Council in absence of an adequate petition and <br />requires a four -fifths (415) majority vote of the City Council. <br />4. Street light petitioned projects shall be uniformly spread to the benefiting properties. <br />
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