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lights this time because the City has to deal with what we have there. <br />Council member Siedow stated he was in favor based on the safety concern <br />voiced by Council member Armstrong because she sees, first hand, the large <br />amount of traffic and agrees with installation of lights. <br />Administrator Kueffner stated residents of Fields of St.Croix would be <br />asking for a signal light so they can get out of their development. <br />Council member Dunn stated that over 20 years CSAH19 was suppose to be <br />a parkway. Wisniewski explained he took the City's information and went <br />back and got $15,000 to enter into a contract this year for trees planted. The <br />County will also restore the "Welcome to Lake Elmo" sign that was erected <br />as an Eagle Scout project. <br />Council member DeLapp stated Lake Elmo seems to be the racetrack and <br />mitigation needs to be agreed upon and stated in a State document agreeing <br />on a design for 40 mph, not 65 mph, and include parkway landscape on 10`h <br />St. in addition to CSAHl9. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-091 approving the <br />plans for Project No. SAP 82-610-09 relating to a Traffic Signal at CSAH10 <br />and CSAH13 and that all lighting meet Lake Elmo's lighting standards and <br />to work toward lowering the speed limit. (Motion passed 4-1DeLapp: We <br />had a very good proposal from our City Engineer that would work well and <br />be a model for the state of MN.) <br />Lanes turning on to CSAH13 from Hudson Blvd.: <br />Council member Dunn had concerns on increasing impervious surface. Mr. <br />Wisniewski responded there was about 17,000 sq.ft. that is equivalent to 4 <br />tenths of an acre. Council member DeLapp stated it doesn't look rural, but <br />looks like Woodbury and Oakdale. Council member Armstrong pointed out <br />we have sewered this area, which has drawn in traffic. DeLapp asked if <br />there was landscaping planned. Mr. Wisnewski responded this is a signal <br />project and no landscaping is planned. Planner Dillerud pointed out there is <br />landscaping going in by the developer on the corner and won't look as stark. <br />We could mitigate further east past United Properties. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Armstrong - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-092, approving <br />the plans for Project No. SAP 82-613-069 relating to Lane Geometry at <br />Hudson Blvd, and CSAH13, subject to all lighting will meet city lighting <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 2001 3 <br />