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of $45.00 per unit per quarter. Letters will be sent out explaining it was a <br />staff oversight there was no billing for the past 10 years, and there will no <br />retrobilling. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Siedow - to adopt Resolution No. 2001-068 setting the fees for <br />the 201 Off -Site Septic Systems at $45.00 per unit per quarter. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />B. Adoption of Amended Fee Schedule <br />Administrator Kueffner provided an amended fee schedule showing a fee for <br />commercial parking lots both new and existing and a 6 percent penalty for <br />water bill and a penalty for water bills certified to the County for collection <br />with taxes. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Siedow - to adopt the amended 2001 Fee Schedule as <br />presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Lake Elmo Banquet Hall <br />Administrator Kueffner asked the Council to look at the alley between the <br />banquet hall and Leslies' Floor Decor. The Banquet Hall's parking lot has <br />been resurfaced and a fence constructed creating a narrow alley. Kueffner <br />voiced her concern for the health, safety and welfare of our residents with <br />the narrow alley a Fire truck could not get through. She also disagreed with <br />the opinion of VBWD not requiring a permit for the parking lot. She is <br />awaiting an opinion on impervious surface coverage, constructing a berm <br />separating a business district from a residential area and if <br />islands/landscaping is required within the parking lot. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy Clerk <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 9 <br />