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03-19-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-19-02 CCM
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M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — to direct staff to prepare the documentation to refinance the GO <br />Temporary Improvements Bonds in the amount of $340,000 through the remaining term <br />of the special assessment, as presented at March 19, 2002 meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Water System Improvements <br />The operating revenue for the water systems has not covered operating expenses and <br />needs to be corrected. Water rates will be discussed at a different meeting. Council <br />member Armstrong stated the City at large has never paid for Old Village water. Finance <br />Director Berg explained the tax abatement, as adopted was to fund Old Village <br />streetscapes and water improvements. The City cannot raise rates high enough to retire <br />this debt based on experience. City Engineer Prew explained the comprehensive plan <br />shows we need more storage in the Old Village for fire protection. Planner Dillerud <br />added the Council always assumed that bonds would be sold back in 1999. Each year the <br />City assumed rates would increase by 3% and WAC charges by 3% and did not occur. <br />Planner Dillerud indicated the Council could consider capping Well No. 3 and delay the <br />pump house and reservoir improvement and continue to purchase water from Oakdale. <br />Mayor Hunt asked if we could assess the benefiting property owners. Staff questions the <br />benefit to property owners. Finance Director Berg stated she could run numbers showing <br />deletion of the 1 million by capping well no. 3. <br />Mayor Hunt said Mary could write Oakdale saying the City is looking at options by <br />requesting a multi year contract for water purchase. Council member Siedow didn't like <br />going for a multi year contract. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn -- to consider three options, 1. Continue all water system <br />improvements 2. Finish drilling well no. 3, cap it, and purchase water from Oakdale or 3. <br />Look at tying the Lake Elmo and Oakdale systems together with comparison in two <br />weeks at an April 9 special meeting session. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Street Improvement Projects. <br />Linders will make payments for the 15`1' Street Special Assessment on June 15 and <br />October 15. Linders claimed they have been classified Green Acres since 1990's. <br />Finance Director Berg stated that the City's share of 15t" street, of approximately <br />$120,000 needs to be paid back to the Infrastructure Reserve fund. <br />MSA Funding <br />Finance Director Berg explained the City committed $82,000 of the construction <br />allocation for 50tt' St. and Eagle Point Blvd for 15 years. If we don't want to bond, with <br />allocation of this year, we could handle Eagle Point Blvd Phase II in-house. There is <br />$75,000 for an overlay for Hill Trail. Council member Dunn stated this is another reason <br />why we should not take back CSAH17. Administrator Kueffner received a 5 year CIP <br />for the comp plan in the amount of $900,000, and wanted to know what happened in just <br />a few months. This will be brought back in two weeks. Mary, Public Works Director <br />and Tom Prew will review and place priorities of what streets can be patched/overlayed. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 19, 2002 <br />
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