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2. MINUTES: March 19, 2002 <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp - to postpone approval of the March 19, 2002 Council minutes <br />until the April 16 meeting. 3-0. <br />3. PUBLIC INOUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Gloria Knoblauch asked about the solid waste management committee. Administrator <br />Kueffner responded the Environmental Committee meets the third Wednesday of every <br />month. The first order of business of the commission is to remind residents of the City's <br />curbside recycling programs and the products that are accepted for recycling. They are <br />applying for a grant for purchasing recycling bins from Washington County. <br />B. Tim Freeman: Update on appointment to the Brown's Creek Watershed Board <br />Tim Freeman introduced himself as the newest member on the Brown's Creek Watershed <br />Board of Managers and discussed issues of interest from recent board meetings. He <br />provided the City a copy of the Watershed's Second Generation Watershed Management <br />Plan. <br />C. Policy for sale and use of City owned land <br />Staff was directed to incorporate comments from the Council into a third draft of the <br />proposed policy for the sale or use of City -owned land. Staff was also directed to make <br />some minor changes to the draft ordinance prohibiting new construction from hooking up <br />to an existing 201 system, or a future communal system. <br />Council member DeLapp asked if underlying ownership is addressed under Vacations. <br />For an example the Mandel vacation, who gets the land or is it shared 50/50? <br />Mayor Hunt acknowledged Dan Rude's letter dated April 2, 2002. <br />Jennie Wiese, 3328 Kraft Circle N., stated at the December 18, 2001 Council meeting <br />several property owners made an offer to buy land adjacent to their property for septic <br />systems and never get an answer. <br />Council member Armstrong explained the Council tried to deal with an emergency <br />situation without all the information to make a decision. Then there was a change of mind <br />to start the process of adopting a policy while we discussed this issue. Council member <br />DeLapp asked the questions who can buy city owned land, how much, and what can they <br />do with the land. Mayor Hunt suggested the Council give staff time to pull information <br />together and deal with the decision of selling the lots on Kraft Circle. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to direct the City to draft a resolution for adoption of policy <br />for sale and use of City owned land. (Motion passed 3-0.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 2002 2 <br />