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7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIREBUILDING: <br />A. Update on Maintenance Dept, Activities: Dan Olinger, Stop Sign at Klondike, <br />Expansion of Storage Building — POSTPONE until the April 16a' Council meeting <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Eagle Point Blvd. Phase II: Approves Specs/Plans and Advertise for bids <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew, requested approval of plans and specifications for the <br />unimproved section of Eagle Point Boulevard Phase II. The bid opening is scheduled for <br />the end of April with contract award set for the May 7`h Council meeting. This will give <br />the contractor time to complete the project by mid -summer. This project is being funded <br />through our State Aid account as well as being assessed to United Properties. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Armstrong to adopt Resolution No. 2002-021, A Resolution Approving <br />Plans and Specifications for Eagle Point Boulevard Phase II and Ordering <br />Advertisements for Bids. (Motion passed 3-0.) <br />9. PLANNNG, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit — FVN+HTC, Inc./Flatau <br />Planner Dillerud reported the Planning Commission recommended approval of the <br />rezoning of the one acre Country side Motel site from HB (Highway Business) to LB <br />(Limited Business). The rezoning would bring the site into zoning compliance with both <br />the 1997 and the 2000 Comprehensive Plan. The Commission recommended approval of <br />a Conditional Use Permit to allow use of the Countryside Motel facility by FVN+HTC, <br />Inc. as a "dependent care center" for temporary residency of women and children that are <br />victims of domestic abuse. <br />Beverly Dusso, FVN representative, stated there would be a maximum occupancy of 32 <br />women and children. Enclosure of the existing front walkway to preclude individual unit <br />access is proposed as a function of the CUP. Planner Dillerud advised that any increase <br />in structure floor area would be an extension of a structure/use on a non -conforming <br />parcel (by area) and could not be approved without a zoning variance. <br />Attorney Miller pointed out four votes are needed for a rezoning. This item will be placed <br />on the April 9t" special Council meeting agenda. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to postpone to April 9th Special Council meeting action on <br />the rezoning from HB to LB for the site located at 9730 Hudson Blvd. because there were <br />not enough Council members in attendance to approve the rezoning. (Motion passed 3- <br />0). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 2002-022, A Resolution granting a <br />Conditional Use Permit for a Dependent Care Center for Family Violence Network to use <br />the property at 9730 Hudson Blvd, as a dependent care center for women and children, <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 2002 4 <br />