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05-07-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-07-02 CCM
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LAKE ELMO BOARD OF REVIEW <br />Wednesday, May 8, 2002 <br />The Lake Elmo Board of Review was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Council <br />chambers. PRESENT: Mayor Hunt, Council members Siedow, Dunn, Armstrong and <br />DeLapp and Assessor Frank Langer. <br />M/S/P Hunt/ Dunn — to approve the appeals as presented by Frank Langer, Lake Elmo <br />Assessor. (Motion passed 4-0-1:Abstain: Siedow - because he wasn't in attendance for <br />each discussion.) <br />Frank Langer explained he advised the city that the city —owned land, if buildable would <br />have a market value of $50,000 and if non -buildable a market value of $15,000. Frank <br />stated he gave a simple answer to what he thought was a simple question. In hindsight, <br />he realized it was a complex question with a complex answer. The City should determine <br />if a site is buildable or non -buildable by the following: 1. Permitted use of land under the <br />law; 2. Determine best and highest use in terms of money; or 3. Require a Fee Appraisal <br />on property. The assessor can only appraise value in the taxing district he works in for <br />tax purposes. Any other type of appraisal must be done by an outside source. <br />Administrator Kueffner stated she assumed the City would hold the city land for possible <br />off site system. Once the survey comes in, there will be three separate pieces. <br />Mayor Hunt stated the Council made a mistake when it expedited the sale to the <br />Petersons. Based on their urgent request for public health reasons, the Council <br />subdivided the city owned land into four parcels and in December sold to Peterson for <br />$3,750 the parcel requested. <br />Jen Wiese asked if she could start to purchase the property now because if her septic goes <br />out, they may not be able to afford to buy the property and install a septic system. The <br />new policy allows the Council to sell city owned land only to homeowners who required <br />additional space to repair failing septic systems. Mayor Hunt stated the Council may <br />have to revisit the policy and look at how many buyers are in the area. <br />Mr. Rude indicated he remained interested in purchasing the subdivided city owned land <br />adjacent to vacant lot. <br />The next step is to get the survey of the lots done by Folz, Freeman, and Dupay Assoc. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. <br />
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