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6. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Conditional Use Permit — EN Properties/Laidlaw Transit <br />On June 18, 2002 the Council tabled this application and directed Staff to prepare a <br />Resolution of approval incorporating the Findings and Conditions presented by the <br />Planning Commission recommendation; the City Attorney's recommendations for <br />additional conditions; and, other conditions the Council requested. The City Attorney <br />proved a draft of the modified approval Resolution for consideration by the Council. <br />Evidence of title needs to be submitted for verification by Attorney Filla. <br />Mayor Hunt acknowledged an e-mail from Colleen Lacher, Cimarron, indicating <br />concerns on diesel, anti -freeze, and oil leaks from the 60 buses and support staff vehicles. <br />Mr. MacFeeley, Laidlaw Transit, commented on these concerns that they were regulated <br />by MPCA. <br />Council member Dunn pointed out that Hudson Blvd, is being taken care of by MnDOT, <br />but this frontage road will be turned over to the City and may be an egress/ingress issue <br />for snowplowing. <br />Terry Emerson asked if the dry charge sprinkler can be retrofitted in the shop and storage <br />area and not in the office area. <br />M/S/F DeLapp/Dunn — to direct the Building Official and Fire Chief to come up with a <br />recommendation to the next Council meeting on sprinkling. (Motion Failed 2-3:Hunt, <br />Armstrong, Siedow). <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — to include a clarification that Terry Emerson needs to only install <br />a dry -charged sprinkler system for only the workshop area. (Motion passed 4-1:DeLapp: <br />If these buses were stored in Stillwater or anywhere outside of this site in Lake Elmo, the <br />buildings would be sprinklered.) <br />Terry Emerson asked if Laidlaw could occupy the site before the 10d' street site is <br />cleaned -up and the sprinkler system can be installed because it will take 60 days to bid <br />sprinklers. The 10`h Street clean up of construction buildings, equipment, trailers, <br />materials will be done by July 25U', and the antique equipment will be moved into the <br />pole barn. In the gravel area of the 10`l' Street site, Terry explained he will move the dirt, <br />shape it up and spread topsoil so he can seed it. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — to allow Laidlaw Transit to move into the 11530 Hudson Blvd. <br />prior to the July 25"' deadline, subject to Mr. Emerson agreeing to pay the City 150% of <br />the clean up cost should he fail to do it himself, and the City hires a contractor to clean <br />the site. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Siedow/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 2002-062, repealing the existing <br />Conditional Use Permit of E&H Properties, LLC and E&N Properties, LLC, dated March <br />6, 2002; and approving a Conditional Use Permit, as amended on July 16`h, for a school <br />bus office/shop/storage area serving Laidlaw Transit as a Non -Agricultural Low Impact <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 2002 4 <br />