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07-22-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-22-02 CCM
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JOINT WORKSHOP WITH CITY COUNCIL, SHAFER MINING <br />AND AFFECTED RESIDENTS <br />JULY 22, 2002 <br />Mayor Hunt call the workshop to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Council chambers. <br />PRESENT: Siedow, Dunn, Hunt, Armstrong (arrived at 5:20 p.m.), DeLapp, City <br />Planner Dillerud and Administrator Kueffner. <br />Planner Dillerud reviewed his report dated July 16, 2002. <br />John Roskowski, Ivy Ct., lives a quarter mile away from the Shafer site, and hears <br />beepers on the loaders going off at 7 a.m. and tail gate doors banging. He works nights <br />and sleeps in the morning, and has had to cut down his work hours because he cannot <br />sleep in the morning due to the noise. The days of work are M-Saturday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. <br />The residents agreed that the "No Trespassing" signs did help in the beginning, but the <br />dirt bikes are back ... usually in the early afternoon during the week when Shafer isn't <br />working. A resident stated he called the Sheriffs Dept, took them an hour to respond, and <br />by then the bikes are gone. Resident thought this activity would stop if enforced and <br />tickets were issued. Another resident stated the dirt bikes are coming from the north side <br />because they drive by and wave to him. <br />Resident stated that maybe this location is not appropriate for this mining/contracting <br />business. Planner Dillerud stated there has to be serious impact on health, safety and <br />welfare. The City cannot arbitrarily rewrite the CUP; otherwise, it would find itself in <br />court. <br />Council member DeLapp asked if there is any place out of 60+ acres near completion that <br />could be seeded. Scott Spisak responded they were working toward that. They placed <br />the berm on the north side and prepared a restoration plan. <br />Administrator Kueffner suggested contacting Sgt. Osterman for setting up a <br />"Neighborhood Watch". <br />Planner Dillerud responded if the "No Trespassing" signs did not work, a sting operation <br />could be set up. Dillerud also suggested hiring a Security guard. <br />Council member DeLapp indicated the Shafer Mining pit could be considered an <br />attractive nuisance under State Law. The noise disturbs people, causing calls to the City <br />and Sheriff's Dept. The City should require owners to keep the dirt bikes out. They <br />might have to install a fence, otherwise, the property owners are responsible to find <br />something else that would help. <br />
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