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Water Enterprise Fund <br />The Finance Director asked that the City Planner assist with talking to these projects. She <br />mentioned that at a prior budget meeting, Council member Siedow had inquired about <br />repeat funding for certain projects. The Finance Director responded that the City is <br />putting money aside each year for projects that will be done in the future, including the <br />future looping of water mains, the replacement of water mains, the 2A connection to <br />Oakdale for the Lake Jane system, and repainting the water tower. The detail narrative <br />expresses which year of pre -invest is being addressed. The benefit to the City is that we <br />are not hit with a big cost at one time which would require bonding. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired if the money would come from the general fund. <br />The Finance Director responded that it would be revenue from the enterprise fund. The <br />City Planner added that these are revenues from people paying into the water fund and <br />that we don't know if there is sufficient funding to put aside for these projects yet. The <br />Finance Director added that the analysis needs to be completed. The Mayor suggested we <br />need to look at adjusting water rates to cover operating expenses. The City Planner added <br />that part of the money paid is to cover the capital expenditure and part is to cover the <br />operating costs, He further added that generally the bulk of the costs to cover capital <br />expenditures comes from the hook-up costs. Because of the number of hook-ups over the <br />last couple of years we are using up the number of hook-ups that can be attained. <br />Council member Armstrong inquired about why the water rates have not been changed in <br />the last few years. The City Planner responded that we cannot use connection charges to <br />fund operating expenses and that for many years the water rates were never adjusted. In <br />1999, water rates were adjusted. Council member Armstrong expressed that these rates <br />need to be adjusted now. The Finance Director mentioned she has a resolution prepared <br />for the first meeting in January to adjust the rates once the usage and operating costs are <br />reviewed and it is a high priority. <br />Sewer Enterprise Fund <br />The City Planner stated that the sewer enterprise fund operates the same way. Council <br />member Armstrong inquired if the 201 system is the old 201 system or is it the city <br />system. The City Planner responded that that is what it has been called but it is not <br />bringing back the old 201 system. The reference in the CIP will be changed from "201 <br />system" to "municipal system" to avoid confusion or another naive the staff agrees upon <br />that accurately describes the system. <br />Council member DeLapp inquired about the Wetland Treatment 32"a Street Drainfield. <br />The City Planner stated that the staff are looking to upgrade the system because of <br />concerns about the useful life. Council member Siedow asked about back-up systems, <br />what happens if the second system fails? The City Planner stated he has not heard of a <br />second system failure. Council member Siedow asked about the life expectancy of the <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />