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12-03-02 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-03-02 CCM
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Attorney Filla explained there might be other restrictions to these OP <br />outlots. This may not be a simple matter for the Herzfeld to give us this <br />necessary deed conveyance. <br />M/S/P Siedow/Dunn — to direct the Planner and City Attorney to study the <br />issue of the City accepting the donation of Outlot G, Heritage Farm, and, if <br />needed, to bring back the package to the Council. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />B. Draft Policy — 25 MPH Speed Zones <br />The City Planner explained the Council had directed Staff to investigate the <br />ability of the City, and the process involved, to institute 25 MH speed zones <br />on City streets under certain circumstances. The City Engineer has advised <br />that, under certain specific physical circumstances, 25 MPH speed zones can <br />be established. A Draft Policy Resolution, prepared by the City Engineer <br />that reflects State Law to the circumstance under which the 25 MPH speed <br />zones may be established by a City was provided. If the Council adopts this <br />Policy, staff will prepare a Resolution to designate the roadway section in <br />Fields of St. Croix 2nd Addition that prompted this matter; and a graphic <br />depicting other street sections in the City that will qualify for future 25 MPH <br />Speed limit designation. <br />In response to Council member DeLapp's question if Hilltop Avenue could <br />be covered under this policy, the City engineer explained the road is too <br />wide as its 32' wide. Also, the 120' lot frontage may be too large to fall <br />under the definition. These speed zones are primarily in the new OP <br />subdivisions. Before we come back with any implementation, Council <br />member DeLapp asked that the Washington County Deputies review the <br />map with designated 25 MPH speed zones on City streets. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to adopt Administrative Policy 42002-01 regarding <br />criteria for establishing 25 MPH speed zones on City streets. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). Planner Dillerud will bring in a street map with designated 25 <br />MPH speeds zones, to the next council meeting if the Deputies have <br />completed their review. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2002 7 <br />
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