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THESE DRAFT MINUTES WERE DISTRIBUTED TO THE COUNCIL ON APRIL 15, 2003, <br />MINUTES APPROVED: May 20, 2003 <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2003 <br />Mayor Hunt called the special meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. in the Council chambers. <br />PRESENT: Siedow, Dunn (arrived 5:10 p.m.), Hunt, Johnston, DeLapp, City <br />Planner/Acting Administrator Dillerud and City Attorney John Miller. <br />1. Consultant Interview — Fox Lawson <br />This agenda item was postponed until Tuesday, April 8, 2003. <br />2. Personnel Action Recommendation <br />Acting Administrator Dillerud reported he had recommended in a letter to the City <br />Council that Mike Buckles be fired. He said his recommendation to fire Buckles was <br />based on a series of insubordinate actions and other matters. The letter contained four <br />findings made by him in support of his recommendation for discharge. <br />Mayor Hunt indicated that Mike Buckles' attorney was advised that they would have <br />only 15-20 minutes to present their response and that the city would give Mike Buckles <br />and his attorney the option of rescheduling time for their response. Mr. Sivertson <br />declined the opportunity to raise Mr. Buckles' response. <br />Mr. Dillerud explained he found in Mike Buckles' personnel file an employee evaluation <br />that was prepared by Administrator Kueffner on September 23, 2002. In that evaluation <br />there were a number of references to conflicts that occurred in prior months, perhaps <br />years, between Mike Buckles and a number of supervisors he had. The flavor of the <br />evaluation was that Administrator Kueffner noted that neither of Mr. Buckles' previous <br />supervisors are willing to rate his performance over the past 2+ years for fear of <br />retribution, misunderstanding, or his perceived lack of understanding of the purpose of an <br />evaluation. Mike generally feels justified in his actions, which often times conflicts with <br />the opinion of his supervisors or the City Administrator. Mike has a tendency to <br />misunderstand a person's intention when speaking with him and gets very defensive <br />before the issue can be explained. Mike also has trouble following directions given him <br />by his supervisor. At times he is directed to perform a task a certain way, but will choose <br />to do it his own way. Mike needs improvement with his personal skills with co-workers, <br />superiors, supervisors, and the public. Complaints have been received from all of the <br />above, and these complaints have been passed onto Mike. <br />Mr. Dillerud indicated On December 190', the Council appointed him as Acting <br />Administrator. He thought he could expect a somewhat different circumstance with <br />regard to a relationship with Mr. Buckles and any supervisor. <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 27, 2003 <br />