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Mr. Dillerud said he spoke with Katie regarding signs, and he did not say they could not <br />have a sign. They could not have a sign offering lots for sale until the final plat is filed <br />because you do not have lots until the Final Plat is filed. He stated Reco can have a sign <br />offering the land for sale. <br />Council member DeLapp responded the distortion he hears needs to be commented on. <br />What he said was because this land is not in Final Plat it has serious tax implications <br />which may or may not be an interest in the property owner. It is an issue about money. <br />The Mayor had talked about an office park in this area. DeLapp voiced his concern that <br />the ordinance that we have in place for Commercial, General Business, is not an office <br />park. It is a mixture of a large number of things that could range from the high end of <br />office park to a low end of variety of things. He wanted to have some level of what the <br />target market would be. DeLapp stated he is insulted by Mr. Regan's comments. <br />M/S/F Siedow/Johnston — to extend the Preliminary Plat for six months. (Motion failed <br />2-3DeLapp, Hunt, Dunn) <br />M/S/P Siedow/Johnston - to approve the Reco request for extension to apply for Final <br />Plat approval for three months. (Motion passed 3-2:DeLapp Dunn). <br />4. Update on the Met Council <br />The Acting Administrator reported he talked to Tom Weaver and wherein Met Council <br />Chairman Bell would like to go along with the waiver of the 30 day period during which <br />they have to act, their legal council is still hesitant. Their concern is we may not get done <br />in time for us to be able to put off our presentation to the Met Council Board next <br />Wednesday. They will give us an hour to make our case. He asked if the Council wanted <br />to meet between now and Wednesday, April 9th, to talk to the attorneys on what should <br />be said to the Met Council Board on Wednesday. The Council did not see a need to meet <br />with their attorneys, but would leave it up to the Mayor and Acting Administrator to <br />present the city's case on April 9m <br />The meeting was adjourned. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy Clerk <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 27, 2003 <br />