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10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Organizational/Compensation Consultant Services <br />The Council conducted the second of two interviews with firms (Springsted and Fox <br />Lawson) having interest in assisting the City to review the City's organizational structure <br />and various elements of the personnel, and compensation structure for City employees. <br />The Acting Administrator indicated that either firm could accomplish the tasks we <br />require with excellent results and offered perspectives for support of his recommendation <br />to hire the Springsted firm. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to direct the Mayor and Acting City Administrator to enter <br />into a contract with Springsted to provide the City organizational, personnel, and <br />compensation services in accordance with the proposal dated February 28, 2003. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Dog Ordinance <br />The Acting Administrator reported the City has a very complete and detailed ordinance <br />regarding dangerous dogs. The city does not presume certain breeds dangerous as has <br />been advocated. He questioned whether the City has the authority to make a presumption <br />of the relative danger of dogs by breed, but must rely on demonstrated behavior of an <br />individual dog. As far as electronic fencing, the City could assume the electronic fencing <br />is effective until the first instance where it is found not be for any particular installation. <br />Mr. Dillerud will have more details and a firm recommendation at the May 6th Council <br />meeting. Attorney Filla noted that he was contacted with questions on this matter and the <br />status is proceeding. <br />C. Hearing: Mary Kueffner <br />At the March 27, 2003 Special Council Meeting, a motion was adopted to extend Ms. <br />Kueffner Paid Leave of Absence to one week beyond when the Madden report is <br />received, but no longer than April 16. At the April 1, 2003 Council Meeting, it was the <br />intent of the Council, concurred by Ms. Kueffner, that a Hearing regarding Ms. <br />Kueffner's termination as City Administrator would be scheduled on the April 15 <br />Council agenda. There also was council direction to the Acting Administrator and City <br />Attorney Filla to arrange a meeting with Ms. Kueffner to discus further the options of her <br />continued employment by the City; or a negotiated settlement. Ms. Kueffner agreed to <br />this approach. Mr. Filla and the Acting City Administrator met with Ms. Kueffner on <br />April 8 in Mr. Filla's office. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 2003 <br />