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September 11, 2002. The only amendments made to the 2002 action included Resolution <br />language recognizing Lake Elmo's concerns with maintaining rural character, and <br />direction to the Chair and Regional Administrator to restart efforts to reach a settlement <br />of these matters with the City that is satisfactory to both parties. The Record was closed <br />and further statements from the Public were not entertained by the Met Council Chair. <br />Mr. Dillerud indicated that he, and Mayor Hunt was invited by Chair Bell to meet with <br />him, Regional Administrator Weaver, and District 12 Met Council Rep Georgecas for <br />one hour on April 21 in this regard. <br />Dick Knowlin, Attorney with Lindquist and Vennum, stated he was disappointed in the <br />proceedings with the Met Council on April 801. The City's legal option at this point is to <br />appeal the Met Council's decision to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. That appeal must <br />be made within 30 days of April 8 and presentation of briefs and arguments would cost <br />between $30,000 and $50,000. Mr. Knowlin stated the court of appeals is not supposed to <br />give weight to the Met Council's decision that is typically given to an administrative <br />body's decision. This was hotly debated by the Legislature in 1976. The record is full of <br />information favorable to Lake Elmo's cause. As you consider what to do, Attorney <br />Knowlin said, it needs to be very clear; if the Met Council prevails Lake Elmo will have <br />to construct a sewer system. Lake Elmo would be looking at a project that would cost <br />nearly $18 million. <br />Council member Dunn said she was told by Met Council members that their recent <br />decision to uphold Administrative Law Judge George Beck's opinion and the former <br />council's decision was made on staff recommendation. Mayor Hunt added that is the <br />same staff that advised the former Met Council. Mr. Knowlin said that starting this <br />litigation does not preclude Lake Elmo from continuing discussions with the Met Council <br />to try to reach a compromise. <br />M/SIP DeLapp/Dunn - to direct the attorneys of Lindquist and Vennum to appeal the Met <br />Council matter to the Court of Appeals; and direct the Mayor and Acting Administrator <br />to attend the meeting with the Met Council on April 21. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />C. Madden Firm Investigative Report <br />The Acting Administrator advised in mid -March that the report investigation and report <br />being prepared for the City Council by the Madden Law Firm would be available by <br />April 1, or more likely April 15. The City was recently notified that the Madden report <br />will not be provided until April 23, 2003. <br />D. Stop Sign at Highlands TraiUHytrail Intersection <br />The Council asked the City Engineer to look into some options to redesign the road to <br />control speed and to allow parking on both sides of the street as an alternative to the <br />recently installed stop sign at Highlands Trail. This agenda item will be placed as a high <br />priority on the May 6�' Council meeting. Residents in the area will be mailed an agenda. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 2003 <br />