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developments along Highway 5 a break in traffic to get on Highway 5 safety. She asked <br />staff to send a thank you letter to MnDOT for the safety improvements on Highway 5. <br />Dillerud will bring a letter for the Council to sign. <br />Council member Johnston reported that he and Mr. Dillerud attended the AMM meeting <br />this afternoon, and noted that Mr. Dillerud did an excellent job with effectively <br />explaining the need for AMM becoming involved on the City's behalf with the <br />legislature. He is optimistic that this will be an effective strategy. <br />Johnston reminded staff that the vacancies on the Community Improvement Commission <br />should be advertised in the newsletter. <br />Council member Siedow reported that the Community Facilities Committee <br />recommended keeping City Hall in the old village area. Mr. Dillerud came up with a <br />spread sheet analyzing several locations of City facilities in the Old Village Area. <br />Siedow also reported that staff will check with ISO for fire hall criteria. He suggested <br />getting a used traffic control trailer, if cheap, and places it on alternate City streets. <br />The Council Adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy Clerk <br />Resolution No. 2003-069 Approval of Claims <br />Resolution No. 2003-070 Amend CUP of Country Sun Farm/Bergmann <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2003 <br />