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7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Update on Maintenance Dept. Activities: Dan Olinger (Not In Attendance) <br />The Acting City Administrator announced 50th Street/Kirkwood is being graveled with <br />the cost taken out of the Infrastructure Reserve Fund in the same manner as is the seal <br />coating of paved City streets. <br />B. Update on Building Dept. Activities <br />The Building Official reported there were three new residential permits issued in <br />September, 2003. New residential construction is down because of the small number of <br />available lots. The Building Dept. is kept busy with the many remodel permits. He <br />cautioned residents about a driveway scam and advised they make sure the contractor has <br />a city license and permit, otherwise, do not deal with them. The Mayor cautioned <br />residents on tree trimming scams where the trees are not properly trimmed and end up <br />dead in the next summer. <br />In regard to complaints, the City will pursue removal a government surplus camouflage <br />trailer that is parked on City property by the watertower. Also, the Deputies will look <br />into removal of an RV with a "for sale" sign that is parked on County right-of-way of <br />Inwood Avenue. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />The Council received an -e-mail from Barb Walsh indicating her concerns on discharge of <br />storm water runoff through a pipe affecting water quality of the lakes. The City Engineer <br />reported that 500' Street would be paved this week, but would hold off on the wear course <br />until next year. The Valley Branch Watershed District asked that the City look into other <br />options to piping storm water directly into the lake. The Engineer will revisit this option, <br />and add some additional infiltration. Council member Dunn asked for an update on <br />activities (water cleansing and wastewater gardens) in the plan. <br />9. PLANNING. LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment — Old Village <br />The City Planner explained at its October 14, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission <br />adopted a recommendation to approve an amendment to the Land Use Map and Text of <br />the 2000-2020 Comprehensive Plan that would reclassify approximately 1,000 acres <br />surrounding the Old Village from GB, RAD, and AG to new uses, and new use intensities <br />that reflect the Old Village Neighborhood Planning initiative. The motion also directs the <br />Planner to consult the City Attorney for text to be added that would preserve the ability of <br />the City to adjust land use intensity ranges of the Plan to accommodate zoning ordinance <br />structure modifications now underway by the Planning Commission. <br />A second motion by the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council <br />defer its adoption of the recommended plan pending completion of several tasks by the <br />city that would address impacts/infrastructure requirements (such as wastewater, surface <br />water drainage, water supply and traffic) and plan implementation strategy (mechanisms <br />for the transfer of development density) implied by the Plan. The Commission <br />recommendation was NOT TO ADOPT until this additional work was completed. . <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 2003 <br />