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M/S/P DeLapp/ Dunn — to approve the proposal of North American Wetland Engineering <br />(as a single source wetland wastewater treatment expert) to conduct a Preliminary <br />Engineering Report regarding Old Village Area Wastewater Collection and treatment per <br />the Proposal dated October 6, 2003, with expenses to be allocated from the Tax <br />Abatement Reserve Account as recommended by the Planning Commission. (Motion <br />passed 3-0). <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: No Report <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Discussion of Met Council Press Release <br />The Acting Administrator advised the Council to take a look at the Met Council website <br />homepage giving a link to Chairman Bell's commentary to Lake Elmo. He said he was <br />advised by the Council that piece cannot go unanswered, and the Mayor asked that this be <br />placed on the agenda for discussion. The City's Met Council attorneys had provided a <br />consolidated statement for the Council to review and submit continents. This statement <br />could also be submitted as a press release to other news media. <br />12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />HR Meeting, October 28, 6 p.m. <br />Dillerud will provide a full text on salary and benefit compensation by Thursday. There <br />will be a consultant to explain benefits. <br />Mayor Hunt said he was approached and was provided information, for anyone who was <br />interested, by Equaris Corporation regarding Sustainable Onsite Wastewater Treatment <br />and Water Recycling Technologies. <br />Council member DeLapp commented that was advised by the volunteers who were <br />working in Pebble Park saw a drug deal go down. If the City has a problem with trading <br />drugs in Pebble Park, the staff and the deputies would look into this problem and work on <br />possible solutions, such as eliminating a driveway access to Pebble Park. DeLapp was <br />approached by a resident regarding large accessory buildings being built in the city, <br />wondering if we shouldn't prevent them entirely. Dillerud responded that this issue had <br />been recently addressed by the Council and ordinance modifications resulted. He also <br />noted that the Planning Commission could take a look at accessory structure standards as <br />they review a new draft of the zoning ordinance now underway. <br />Council member Dunn pointed out it is a good idea to retain the trees for a noise buffer <br />between the railroad and Prairie Ridge Office Park. She asked that whenever the <br />Planning Commission looks at the Old Village area, it should review the nonconforming <br />things, and what happens when we have to have variances. This was the primary reason <br />to review the old village area. Dillerud responded that the Planning Commission shares <br />the same concern, and new zoning districts are being created for the existing Old Village <br />and other neighborhoods of the City where currently substandard development exists to <br />better accommodate that type of development without it being "non -conforming". <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 2003 <br />