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R-73-14 <br />RESOLUTION <br />V ILIA= OF LUZ ELM <br />WASRINGTON COWIT 0 MINMOTA <br />A RESOLUTION TRMPORARILY RRSTILICTI16 BUILDING ON CERTAIN LARESHORE LOTS. <br />WHEREAS, the water level on Lakes DeMontreville, Olson and Jane, has <br />risen substantially during the past three months to the point where it now <br />appears to be flooding individual sewage systems around those lakes; and <br />WiD31AS, the Village Council has received requests from a number of <br />residents on Lake Jane to take soma action on an emergency basis to lower <br />the level of Lake Jane to prevent damage to their real estate and to reduce <br />the risk of pollution of the Lake; and <br />WHEREAS, the Village Council has also been asked to work with the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District in order to find a long term solution to the same <br />problems; and <br />WHEREAS, the Village has determined that there is an immediate danger <br />of aggravating the flooding and causing pollutionto the lake itself and <br />possibly the Malls of existing laksshere residents if further filling along <br />the lakeshore is permitted in connection with new construction; moreover, <br />the Council has determined that because of the unexplained rise in the lake <br />levels .there may be risks of pollution by any new individual sewage systems <br />which may be built even without fill; and <br />WHEREAS, the Village Council has directed that the Village Engineer make <br />a survey of said lakes in their present condition and advise the Council as <br />to the dangers of lake and ground water pollution and the risk of flooding <br />which may be incurred by further filling and building along said lakes so that <br />such dangers may be avoided by detstmining the areas in which ii"s unsafe to fill <br />or build; and <br />WHEREAS, the Village Engineer has boon instructed to return a report within <br />sixty days from the date hereof: <br />WWI, TWXFOR29 S IT RESOMD, that all building on lakeshore lots on <br />Lakes DeMentroville, Olson and Jane, shall hereby be temporarily prohibited for <br />a period of sixty (60) days from the date hereof in order to allow time for said <br />Engineer to return his report and for the Village to adopt, by ordinance, such <br />regulations as may be necessary to avoid flooding, pollution and the attendant <br />damage to the health and welfare of the residents of the Village. <br />Adopted by the Village Council this 15th day of May, 197 <br />�z <br />Calvin Jo Bookman, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />7 <br />Donald Mahe r, Village Clerk <br />