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02-06-73 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-06-73 CCM
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Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council February 6, 1973 pg,i <br />Meeting called to order at 707PM by Mayor Brockman, <br />PresenttBrookman,Abercrombie,Watson,Park & Mehsikomer, <br />Also presentsCounsel Ealeigh, Engineer Bonestroo & Bldg, Insp, Muelelr, <br />Minutes of the January 16,1973 meeting reviewed and the reference to the petition was <br />changed to show that the new petition as amended be filed with the Watershed Disttict. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson that the minutes be approved as amended. Carried 3/0. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C, Watson to,approve membership in the North Star Khapter <br />of Building Inspectors for the Villa ge & John Mueller at a cost of $12.00, Carried 3/0. <br />Counsel Raleigh and Building Inspector will act on the Landra violation, <br />Paul Friedrich asked if the v*llage would allow the keeping of animals and fowl on a 10 <br />acre tract of land now owned by Jamieson's, Since this was not an official request the <br />counc&1 indicated that theyn would act favorably on such"a request as long as the Special <br />Use Permit met the requirements spelled out by the PZC, <br />Dale Foote asked the council to consider addition of street lights in Tablyn Park, Clerk, <br />on motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson, instructed to contact NSP and have them make <br />new recommendation for lights in Tablyn Park, Carried 3/0. <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Abercrombie that a hearing be set for March 6,1973 at 7600PM <br />�f regarding the construction of a new road. in section 32. Carried 3/0. Counsel advised to <br />arrange for publication of notice. Counsel also to contact Surveyor Pepper regarding a <br />name for the proposed road. Engineer to have report on project ready for the council at <br />the Feb.20 ,1973 meeting, <br />C.Watson presented Resolution R73-3 regarding evaluation of the Minnehaha-694 interchange <br />and asked for its passage, 2nd by C.Abercrombie. A vote 'being taken showed Watson, Aber- <br />crombie and Brockman voting in favor. C.Shervheim and a. Friedrich absent, Carried 3/0, <br />Ken Clem asked 'about the roadway required in Kenridge Addition #2. We instructed the <br />engineer to supply Mr. Clem with the required specifications. <br />C.Graves asked about the acquistion of Village &wined property taken on tax forfeit from <br />Howard Heubner for the purpose of playgrounds and drainage, Counsel Raleigh was in - <br />strueted to check with county auditor regarding the exchange of forfeit property assuming <br />that appropriate easements for drainage could be worked out and report back to the <br />council at the Feb.20,1973 meeting, <br />C.Abercrombie presented a Resolution R -73-2 regarding naming a Bond Paying Agent and <br />asked for its approval, 2nd by C.Watson. A vote being taken showed Abercrombie,Watson <br />Brockman voting in favor.C.Shervheim & C.Friedrich were absent, Carried 3/0, <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C. Watson to accept by reference the Washington Coun ty <br />mode relating to sanitary sewer disposal systems including the requirement for percol- <br />ation tests. Carried 3/0. <br />Motion by C,Watson 2nd by C.Abercrombie authorisaing the clerk to request tUe federal <br />census bureau to conduct a new current census for -the Village of Lake Elmo since the <br />highway department has acknowleged they will accept such a census for fund dispersement <br />if we have exceeded the required figure of 5,000, Carried 3 /0. <br />
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