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04-17-73 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-17-73 CCM
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,kiNUTES.OP THE LAKE ELMO VILLA02 00UN0IL MNBTING APRIL 17, 1973 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:05PK by Mayor Brookman. <br />PresentsBrookman,Watson;Shervheim,Priedrich (7:30),Park & Mehsikonor. <br />Also present:Counsel Raleign;Bldg.Insp. Mueller;L'ngineer Boneetroo (600PU). <br />Absent:Abercrombie. <br />Discussion regarding the proposed pay schedule for part time building insp. <br />submitted by the salary committee. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd by C.3hervheim approving the schedule presented with <br />the following changes:1.Section b. pg.1 revised from $5.00 to t7.00 per <br />actual inspection; 2. Second full paragraph pg.2 fifth line after with Add <br />"a report on any fees imposed individually by the inspector and". <br />Motion carried 3-0. Friedrich and Abercrombie not present. <br />Report by bldg. insp. on Landra. One shed presently being removed. Mr. <br />Landra has agreed he will move the garage originally moved in contrary to <br />code. Garage will be placed on a foundation in line with the house. Applic- <br />ation for a permit has been made. Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C. Shervheim <br />to allow Mr. Landra 90 days in which to complete the corrective action. <br />Notion carried 3-0. <br />Clerk instructed to write letter to Lake Elmo Jaycee's asking for a recom- <br />mendation for a candidate from Cimarron to fill the vacancy on the PZC. <br />New procedure for preparation of council agenda. Requests to be placed on <br />the agenda must be received by noon on the Wednesday proceeding the meeting. <br />Clerk's office will not assign times until all requests for time are reed. <br />All items requiring the engineer will be scheduled starting at 8:30 and <br />running until 9:00 or as long as absolutely necessary. After the agenda <br />has been completed individuals will be notified of the time of then <br />appointment. <br />Valley Branch Watershed District requested meeting with council. Special <br />meeting with the Park Study Committee scheduled for 7:30PM on April 309 <br />1973 will be moved up to 7:OOPM and the Watershed group will be on the <br />agenda at 7:00P11- <br />Motion by C. Watson 2nd by C.Shervheim that we should, if legally possible <br />and acceptable to affected landowners, arrange to pump from Lake Jane into <br />Berachen's Pond. Carried 3-0. <br />Counsel to check this out. <br />Recess at 6:30PM. Reconvene at 7:3OPM. <br />C.Friedrich arriā¢,,ed at 7:30PM. <br />Motion by C.Watson 2nd-by C. Shervheim to authorize engineer to proceed <br />with final arrangements for the utility crossings of I 94 as per detail <br />in March 28,1973 report of R.E.Turner. Carried 4-0. Abercrombie not present <br />April t7,1973 letter regarding sewer in the Kressin plat to be considered <br />at the May 1, 1973 meeting. <br />Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Watson that we approve expenditure of $200. <br />for acquisition of land for school walkway from H. Reimenschneider. Village <br />will also furnish truck for the removal of several apple trees after they <br />have been taken down. Agreemnet to be drawn up showing that if walkway is <br />vacated that property will revert back to the owner of record at that time. <br />InmedtatF action should be taken to install walkway. Carried 4-0. <br />i.otion by 2nd by C. Shervheim that counsel be authorized to surve prolot B on <br />agreement rilinuntil authorizedhb CroebiakeegismoeVillagered dCouncil,is <br />not a buildable Y E <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />
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