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PROPOSED POLICY ON SIGN REGULATIONS <br />The Village Zoning Ordinance prohibits advertising signs in all <br />districts except those districts zoned for commercial use. However, <br />a Special Use Permit is required for off -site advertising devices <br />in such commercial districts and a building permit is required for <br />any sign whether or not a Special Use Permit has been issued. <br />The Ordinance also sets specific size, height and location specifi- <br />cations for such signs as are permitted. <br />There are many non -conforming signs(both business identification and <br />off -site advertising) in the Village of Lake Elmo. <br />It appears that within the next two years the State of Minnesota, <br />through its Highway Department,will require the removal of many of <br />these signs which are located along the state highways. <br />The Planning Commission, therefore, recommends the following policy <br />to the Village Council: <br />1. Except as provided below, all non -conforming signs in the <br />Village will be eliminated by attrition until the Highway <br />Department has completed its removal of signs along state <br />highways. <br />2. No new off -site advertising signs shall be permitted. <br />3. Policies 1 and 2 above shall continue until the Planning <br />Commission has completed a review of the existing Ordinance <br />in the light of anticipated developments in the Village <br />and recommend such amendments as may be necessary for a <br />long-range regulation of signs. <br />4. Notwithstanding policy 1 above, the Village shall require <br />removal of the following signs: <br />(a) Dangerous signs -- such signs as the State Highway <br />Engineers determine constitute a traffic hazard. <br />(b) Dilapidated signs -- those signs the Village Building <br />Inspector determines to be dilapidated because of lack <br />of reasonable maintenance. <br />(c) Signs constructed higher than 25 feet (the maximum <br />height established by the existing Ordinance). <br />(d) Signs newly constructed on a major highway without a <br />Village permit after June 17, 1971, (which signs are <br />prohibited by Chapter 173 of the Minnesota Statutes). <br />