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Whereas, on October 19, 1971, Elmer Haase and Ruth Haase <br />as then owners platted a tract of land as "Egan Acres", which Plat <br />was filed for record on March 23, 1972 in the office of the Register <br />of Deeds of Washington County, Minnesota, in Book F of Plats page <br />84, and <br />Whereas, said Plat dedicated certain Streets, an Avenue, <br />certain utility easements and a Walk Way and Park, all as shown <br />on said Plat, and <br />Whereas, Dayton Development Company, a Minnesota corpora- <br />tion, is now the owner of all the land included in said Plat and <br />proposes to apply to the District Court of Washington County for a <br />Judgment and Decree vacating the said Plat in its entirety, <br />including the said Streets, Avenue, utility easements, Walk Way <br />and Park, and <br />Whereas, the said lands including the Walk Way and Park <br />are unfit and useless for the purposes for which they were laid <br />out and dedicated, and it is deemed to be in the public interest <br />that all present or future plans for such uses be abandoned and <br />that said lands be permitted to revert to the present owner freed <br />from the dedication in said Plat, <br />Now, Therefore, Be It Resolvea by the Village Council <br />of the Village of Lake Elmo that its consent is hereby given to the <br />application of Dayton Development Company under Section 505.14 of <br />the Statutes of the State of Minnesota for such vacation and to the <br />entry by the District Court of Washington County of its Judgment <br />and Decree vacating said Plat and adjudging that title to all <br />Streets, the Avenue, the Walk Way and Park areas revert to the owner <br />thereof. <br />Be It Furthor Resolved, that the Mayor and Village Clerk <br />are hereby author i:r(-(t upon the request of the sa i ci ov.-n r to <br />