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Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting August 7, 1973 <br />Present: Watson, Shervheim, Friedrich, Park and Mehsikomer <br />Also Present: Counsel Raleigh, Engineer Bonestroo <br />'absent: Brookman and Abercrombie <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich to accept minutes of July 17th meeting as <br />submitted - Carried 3 - 0. <br />Brookman and Abercrombie absent. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich to approve a 3.2 beer license for Don Durand <br />with the understanding that license is subject to revocation if anything got out of line. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Todd Williams voiced objection to council action, he disapproved issuance of license. <br />Richard Johnson 8896 Lake Jane Trail submitted a Detition requesting that controls regulating <br />speed, horse power and hours of outboard motors be established on Lake Jane. Discussion <br />followed wherin it was decided that all lakes within boundaries of Lake Elmo should be <br />reviewed. Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich that clerk write to Tri-lake <br />Association suggesting that all 3 lakes be reviewed at a special meeting. Lake Elmo would <br />also be included for both outboard motors and amphibeous airplanes. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Tom Danisch and George Kasse appeared in opposition to a proposal for drainage of Mike <br />Ferderer property. Clerk instructed to mark Ferderer file that these two men be advised if <br />the Ferderer matter is placed on agenda. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hedberg with Counsel Ted Collins appeared relative to a building permit. <br />An engineers plan for a sceptic system which was adequate for lot was submitted. C. Shervheim <br />pointed out that shoreline building was still held up by the moratorium until Aug. 15, 1973. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich that we extend moratorium to August 21 with the <br />Shoreline Ordinance be considered at that meeting. Action on Hedberg also to be delayed <br />until after the Shoreline Ordinance has been acted on. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Mr. Wickstrom and Mr. Rowe appeared in opposition to Hedberg's request and asked to be notified <br />whenever Hedberg's are placed on the agenda to discuss this matter. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich to approve a 3.2 license to Dennis Varland for <br />softball tournament at Lake Elmo field August loth thru August 12. License fee $10.00. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Mrs. T. Deck appeared requesting installation of one or 2 street lights on Legion South of <br />30th St. Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich that clerk write F. Graham of NSP <br />for a study to determine recommendation. If need is evident order installation. <br />Carried 3 - 0. <br />Fran Pott appeared regarding I 94 committee. Supposedly clerk should receive a letter from <br />State of Minn. Dept. of Highways requesting members to this committee. Motion by C. Shervheim <br />second by C. Friedrich that council accept proposal of Mr. Pott and clerk instructed to write <br />Highway Dept. and recommend that I 94 study committee be appointed an masse to serve on the <br />new I 94 .committee. Carried 3 - 0. Copies to all communities involved. <br />Fran Pott advised that transition of fire alert system to sherrifs office has been completed. <br />( Clerk instructed to write letter of appreciation to Mr. James Beers, The Elmo Inn and Lake Elmo <br />Oil for there cooperation in operating the old system over the last 10 plus years. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Friedrich that L. E. Village Hall be made available to <br />the Washington County Nursing Service August 15th 1973 from 8 - 12 for their immunization <br />clinic. <br />