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Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting Feb. 19, 1974 Page 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:12 p.m. by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Eder, Shervheim, Pott, Abercrombie and Mehsikomer <br />Absent: Watson <br />Also present: Counsel Lawson, Engineer Anderlik, PZC member Lyons. <br />Parks: Discussion on the proposed parcels of land being considered for <br />acquisition for use as park land. Joe and Charlotte Moris 20 acres, <br />Lehart and Frances Friedrich 150 acres, Ed Beaubien 40 acres, <br />Bershens and Whitman. <br />Motion by C. Pott second by C. Shervheim to authorize counsel to <br />proceed with preparation of options on Beaubien ($500) and Bershens ($500) <br />on the same basis as used in preparing option on Friedrich property. <br />Carried 4 - 0 <br />C. Watson absent <br />Battle Creek C. Abercrombie offered Resolution R74-6 stating that the Village of <br />R-74-6: Lake Elmo go on record as opposing establishment of a Battle Creek <br />Watershed district (HF 3250 SF 3120) and continue to promote the joint <br />powers act to resolve the Battle Creek problem. Second by C. Shervheim <br />Resolution carried 4 - 0 <br />Dutch Elm: Discussed proposed state bill on shade tree disease control (HF 2920- <br />SF2923). Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Pott to register <br />opposition to that part of thelaw which authorizes appointment of <br />an inspector if we fail to act. Carried 4 - 0. <br />6:30 p.m. recess - 7:30 p.m. reconvene <br />Insurance Member Zinchlag advised that they had gone out on bid for our regular <br />Committee: coverage. Auto Owners came in at $3497.95 and Bitumemous at $3150. <br />Auto Woners has given us excellent service and we have built up <br />a good history with them. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. ABercrombie to accept the bid <br />of Auto Owners subject to modifications requested by the Village <br />Council. Insurance to be processed through Metro Insurance Agency. <br />Carried 4 - 0. <br />Cimarron: Present: Dan Herbst, Bruce Thompson and Mike Ahrends. Discussion <br />on items of mutual interest. 1) Pemtom anticipates operating as <br />a Movilla as long as village permits. 2) Have engaged a new advertising <br />agency and hope to promote the facility. 3) The leaky roof problem <br />is formost in their mind and they feel they now have a solution. <br />About two more weeks of testing will be necessary. This problem <br />will be taken care of,4) Fire extinguishers'Is" required by law. <br />Questionairres were sent out. Sixty of 398 were returned. 53 said <br />they had them. 3 said they did not have them and 4 advised that they <br />would get them in the next week. 5) Cimarron agreed to be billed <br />for the engineering expense involved in checking out PCA complaint. <br />Mike Gorka Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. AbercrombienVariance for installation <br />Adv. Sign.: of a commercial sign in a residentially zoned area since it is councils <br />intention to change the I94 corridor zoning. Sign to be according <br />